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The Appropriation of Identity Without Consent | Information Systems homework help

  1. Vanna White, hostess of “Wheel of Fortune,” markets her identity to advertisers. Without White’s permission, Samsung Electronics America, Inc., attempted to use White’s identity. An ad for Samsung depicted a robot, dressed in an outfit resembling White’s and posed next to a game board that resembled the “Wheel of Fortune” set, in a stance for which White is famous.

What can White sue Samsung for and will she win?

  1. Recently I have been having calls from financial institutions offering additional protection against data theft for a price. Shouldn’t banks or credit bureaus provide protection against Identity theft as basic necessity?
  2. How is policy practice similar to and different from planned changed at the micro level?
  3. What social policies are in place should your clients need protection from oppression and discrimination?
  4. What social policies impact your clients’ interaction with their social environment?
  5. How can you observe and learn from the testimony of professionals about the social policies being considered in your state?
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