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Telecommunications | Telecommunications homework help


  • Many consumers in the United States, including most students, use primarily (and sometimes exclusively) cell phones for communication purposes and have almost completely stopped using traditional landline phones. In many foreign countries, the expansion of the telephone network is achieved through the expansion of the cellular network and not through the expansion of the landline network.

Is there any reason to believe that the cost of a cellular network is less than the cost of a landline network? Explain.


  • Until recently, all area codes had a 0 or a 1 as the middle digit and the third digit could not be 2. Complete parts a) and b) below.
  1. a) How many area codes were possible with this arrangement ? How many telephone numbers does the 8-digit sequence permit per area code? (The first digit that follows the area code cannot start with 0. Assume that there are not other restrictions.)
  2. b) The actual number of area codes under the previous system is 136. What is the most likely reason for this discrepancy between this number and your answer in part a)?
  • Local switch monopolies have frequently resulted in access origination and access termination fees, which has resulted in high user prices. The U.S. government attempted to deal with this problem with the passage of the _____ Act.
  1. Federal Trade Commission
  2. Telecommunications
  3. Dodd-Frank
  4. Robinson-Patman
  5. Hart-Scott-Rodino
  • Employees who value _____ are most likely to be attracted to jobs allowing them to telecommute.
  1. work variety
  2. opportunities for early retirement
  3. flexibility
  4. a fast-track promotion path
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