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Task 2 – applications in training and development




3040.01.4 : Talent Management

The graduate develops the organization’s talent management programs, including career management, performance management, and leadership development.

3040.01.5 : Performance Management

The graduate develops performance management and evaluation at an operational level.


Task 2: Performance Management Plan

In today’s fast-paced business environment, one of the most important assets an organization has is its workforce. An organization’s sustainable competitive advantage is often based on its ability to not only attract high-quality talent but also continuously develop and improve the skills and knowledge base of the current employees. Human resource professionals continually seek ways to effectively establish and implement performance improvement plans that are effective, appropriate, and aligned to organizational goals. Such individuals ensure their employees have the most up-to-date skills, knowledge, and abilities needed to complete the organizational mission effectively. This is accomplished through employee training, talent management, and performance management plans. As a human resource professional, your ability to effectively plan and implement a performance management plan will directly contribute to your organization’s success.


You are the human resource manager of a midsize accounting firm. Mary Smith, a new accounting director within the firm, is concerned about how to coach an underperforming manager named John Miller, whom she oversees. A recent performance appraisal of John revealed that there were several areas that needed improvement. Mary is unsure of her next steps with John, and she has asked you to create a three-month performance management plan for him.

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