Choose a topic related to Physical Education, Health and/or Wellness. ( e.g Psychosocial Health , Stress Management , Suicide, Depression and Anxiety , Physical Activity for Health , Personal Nutrition )
Create a brochure/infographic related to your topic.
Research specific key points related to your topic. Use and cite a minimum of 2 credible resources.
Include information for 3 local groups/agencies which support your topic.
Consider visual appeal (color, graphic/writing balance) for your target audience.
– topic relates to field of health and wellness (1)
– key points are clear (2)
– information relates to a specific target audience (2)
– language used is appropriate for target audience (2)
– creativity with lay out of brochure/infographic is appealing (use of color, organization) (2)
– balance of graphics and information which address key points (2)
Resources and References
– 2 credible sources are cited in APA style (2)
– 3 local resources to support topic are included with detail (2)