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Storing Data Using RAID Schemes | Computer Science homework help

  1. Given a MIPS system with 4GB bytes of main memory, a fully associative-mapped cache, and block size of 64 words. How many bits are in the tag field?
  2. Your organization has approximately 10TB of data, and you need to decide if you should have on-site or offsite tape storage. Your organization must be able to easily recover data no older than one month, as an operational requirement. Your organization’s further requirements are that recovery operations must resume at minimal levels for all systems within two weeks of a total catastrophe at the data center.

Decide how your organization should house its backup.

  1. Consider a system with a single-level split cache (D-cache and I-cache). In total, 50% of all instructions are load-store instructions. Out of 1,000,000ten instructions fetched, 30,000 ten are missed in the I-Cache and 20,000 ten missed in the D-Cache.
    • What is the I-cache miss rate? Express your answer as a percent.
  2. A is to be constructed using some number of identical disk drives, each of which can store up to T terabytes of data. A large database of size 4T terabytes is to be stored on the disk system. What is the minimum total number of disks that would be required for the system if the disk system is a:
    1. RAID4 system?
    2. RAID5 system?
    3. RAID6 system?
    4. RAID1 system?
    5. RAID0 system?
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