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Statistical analysis | Health homework help

  research paper on childhood obesity.

. In a 1,500 word research rough draft, utilizing the research process, include the following:

  1. An introduction to the topic.
  2. An explanation of how the articles are used in scholarly research within health care as it relates to the allied health care profession.
  3. A discussion of the ethical considerations for data collection.
  4. An explanation of what the data reveals in terms of statistical analysis, including quantitative and qualitative. Include a discussion of the conclusions that can be made from the data and how it would be applied to the health care setting.
  5. An evaluation, based on the research, of whether there is enough information to make a decision on the effectiveness on the topic as it relates to the allied health care professional.
  6. A summary of the conclusions from the articles.

Support your rough draft with at least 3 scholarly resources.

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