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Stages of child and adolescent development


In 500 words, summarize and expand on the stages of child and adolescent development. In your summary, include:

  • How understanding the unique aspects of development guide you to engage and meet the academic abilities of students with various learning abilities.
  • How the stages of development differ from kindergarten to eighth grade and how learning activities differ depending on the stage of development.
  • How you can incorporate specific major principles, concepts, and learning theories into two different grade levels (K-5 and 6-8) of your future teaching practice.
  • How this matrix can serve as a guide in developing ways to meet the needs of exceptional students (learning differences, gifted students, and ELLs, etc.).
  • How the information on the different stages of child and adolescent development can be utilized to identify student strengths as a basis for growth, and their misconceptions as opportunities for learning.

Support your findings with a minimum of 3-5 scholarly resource

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