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Sociology | Social Science homework help


I choose option 1


Review the list of Films on Demand: Sociology Collection: Social Institutions to select and watch one video from each of the following categories listed: family, education, and religion.


Select one of the following options to deliver your assignment:


Option 1


Write a 700- to 1,050-word essay.


Format your assignment according to appropriate course level APA guidelines.


Submit your assignment to the Assignment Files tab.




Option 2


Prepare a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint®  presentation.


Include photos, illustrations, graphs, diagrams, animations, videos, or audio clips. Document the source of each media item you include.


Include the following in your paper or presentation:


·         Prepare an introduction that identifies the major social institutions in society and why they are important.


·         Describe each video and the social institutions it addresses.


·         Identify any relevant models of power structure or political behavior that might be influential.


·         Explain the functionalist, conflict, and interactionist perspectives on the family, religion, and education. Which perspective does each film use to discuss the institution? Explain specific examples from the videos.


·         Provide a conclusion that summarizes the main ideas of the essay and describes how these institutions have influenced you.


Format your references according to appropriate course level APA guidelines. Include citations in the speaker notes or in a separate reference list.




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