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Social Media screening | Information Systems homework help

My son works at a local retail store during the summer college break. During the recruiting process, the human resources staff at these stores face an information asymmetry problem; they can observe a person’s interpersonal skills during the interviews, and they can talk to former employers to learn about previous experiences. However, they cannot gather full information about current personal characteristics that are important on the job (e.g. work ethic, dedication to customer service, and emotional maturity). For this reason, some job recruiters check the social media posts for top candidates. Is this practice unfair? Should employers use this sort of personal information to make decisions about potential work performance?

Everyone should have free Internet access to education, news, jobs, and more. Source: Internet.org by Facebook, May 4, 2015. Explain why it is not possible for everyone to have free Internet access to education, news, jobs, and more.

Internet access to education, news, jobs, and more will not be free because _____.

A. with too many Internet users the network might fail.

B. some countries are too poor to provide Internet access.

C. when a good is free, people do not value it.

D. other goods and services must be forgone to provide universal access.

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