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Social media | Information Systems homework help

  1. A local restaurant announced free food for any lefties on August 13 (National Lefthanders Day). People spread the word in the community via the Internet, mobile communication, and word of mouth. Passing information in this way is best described as which of the following? a. Buzz b. Altering reality c. A press release d. A video news release
  2. Facebook has aggressively moved to acquire other companies in recent years, most notably Instagram and What’s App. Discuss the reasons why Facebook was acquiring other companies, and why may no longer have to be so aggressive in its acquisition strategy.
  3. Imagine you are an advisor to Facebook. Offer examples of businesses that they ought to acquire and businesses whose products they should copy. Couch your advice in terms of how it enhances Facebook’s network.
  4. Do you think that social media has helped prevent hate crimes from occurring towards people of different sexual orientations, or do you think they are even more targeted as a result of the internet’s availability? Explain.
  5. How, if at all, do you think the internet revolution of the 1990s affected the Solow growth curve?
  6. Shifted the Solow growth curve to the right
  7. No effect on the Solow growth curve
  8. Shifted the Solow growth curve to the left



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