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Social issue( Gun Violence) | Sociology homework help

Social theory in action

Complete a 10 page paper on the project topic relating a contemporary social issue ( Gun Violence) to both classical and contemporary theory.

In this assignment choose a contemporary social issue( Gun Violence) and at least one classical ( Emile Durkheim) and one contemporary social theorist ( Robert Merton) that fits with the issue.

1. The introduction of the paper should have detailed description of topic choice ( Gun Violence) , strong thesis statement, and overview of paper.

2. The theory mentioned in the paper should clearly analyze theoretical elements as they relate to topic choice.

3. The paper should be clearly organized and detailed .

4. Submissions should be typed, double-spaced, 1\” margins, times new roman 12 pt font, and saved as .doc, .docx, .pdf.

5. Use APA format for citations and references

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