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The Kurdish People | Best Assignment Writers

The Kurdish people are a heterogeneous ethnic group whose ethnic background comes from many regions, including Iraqi Kurdistan and parts of Iran, Turkey, and Syria (“Kurd,” 2019). They speak the Kurdish language. The Kurdish have always intrigued me in several ways, most preferably their culture and origin. Also, the fact that they have survived several genocides. What makes the Kurdish most interesting is that their existence can be drawn back to the 3rd millennium B.C, which is exceptionally old.

Kurdish culture is rich in oral traditions. The most popular of them are impressive poems, which often tell adventure in love or battles. A musician who performs traditional songs is referred to as Dengbej. The word ‘deng’ means voice, and ‘bej’ means ‘to sing.’ In the vocals, flutes and drums are used. Their unique culture is Kurdish art and craft, with carpet weaving as the most popular among embroidery and metal ornamenting. Geometric patterns and designs bring about their beauty. Horseracing, javelin, and wrestling are typical sports. The athletism contributes to their military prowess. In turn, it has increased their demand as mercenaries in many armies. Despite this, they have survived two genocides; Saddam Hussein’s genocide and, recently, ISIS.

The venue of my interaction with the Kurdish would be through Facebook groups. Other social platforms are twitter feeds. The research will bring to light whether it is true that the Kurdish have been there since the 3rd millennium B.C.

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The Kurdish People | Best Assignment Writers . (2022, April 17). Essay Writing . Retrieved October 04, 2024, from https://www.essay-writing.com/samples/the-kurdish-people/
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