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The History of Sustainability | Best Homework Help Service

Individuals worldwide make decisions that are inspired by their ability to survive different outcomes taking place in their immediate environment. Margaret Robertson in Sustainable Principles and Practice provokes the readers’ thought process by exposing them to different scenarios where they should apply critical thinking to succeed. For instance, she asks people about their decision-making process when expected to cut trees to feed starving children or let them perish. Many people will cut trees because of other options to recover the lost ones, unlike letting children die. The book traces the history of sustainability by projecting different issues that influence people’s lives daily.

Understanding the history of sustainability enables individuals to make informed decisions that improve the outcomes of events in their immediate environment. Significantly, sustainability is influenced by the responses adopted by individuals to guarantee their survival and existence in the contemporary world. From this realization, Margaret believes that the twenty-first century will be a period of reckoning where different outcomes that will be recorded will have a significant impact on the future (Robertson, 2017). By familiarizing with the history of sustainability, individuals will adopt considerate measures that influence future outcomes.

Knowing the history of sustainability will enable policymakers to make informed decisions that avoid replicating previous mistakes that led to the emergence of specific issues affecting people’s lifestyles. Given that the modern community is moving towards the adoption of clean energy, there is a need for individuals to understand the importance of the environmental shift to create sustainable measures that will have a lasting impact on future generations. Therefore, the biosphere accommodates living organisms which should comply with specific regulations that enhance the growth and development of different aspects.

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The History of Sustainability | Best Homework Help Service . (2021, December 19). Essay Writing . Retrieved April 18, 2024, from https://www.essay-writing.com/samples/the-history-of-sustainability/
“ The History of Sustainability | Best Homework Help Service .” Essay Writing , 19 Dec. 2021, www.essay-writing.com/samples/the-history-of-sustainability/
The History of Sustainability | Best Homework Help Service . [online]. Available at: <https://www.essay-writing.com/samples/the-history-of-sustainability/> [Accessed 18 Apr. 2024].
The History of Sustainability | Best Homework Help Service [Internet]. Essay Writing . 2021 Dec 19 [cited 2024 Apr 18]. Available from: https://www.essay-writing.com/samples/the-history-of-sustainability/
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