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The History of Classical Music | Music Categories Essay

As society evolves, there is a similar occurrence in the style and sound of music. There emerges a difference in the embroidery, that represents the period that the music was developed and people who invented it. The music referred to as classical was conceived by an artist who bore an intellectual objective in mind with each period representing its style and features. The categories of classical music include middle-age/Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Modern. Classical music can be sorted into the five eras based on the period, style and characteristics of the composition.

Middle Age/Renaissance

Renaissance-era dates from 1400-1600 where, over time, it significantly increases the level of harmony and polyphony in music (Haar 20). Events during this music period include the fall of feudalism and growth of capital markets economy. Features of the music are a combination of various aspects instead of differentiating the developments in musical quality. The composition is founded on modes. John Dowland stands out for his lute songs, while William Byrd is known for his advancement of the English madrigal. Ave Verum by Corpus is my favourite piece as it is filled with exquisite harmonies and illustrate fundamental, minor musical tones and homophony moments.

Baroque Era

Intensifying upon the end of the Renaissance era, Baroque music spanned about 150 years from 1600 to 1750, with the significant advancement being the steady advancement of purposeful, classified tone (Wei-bin 13). The basic features of music during the period include; significant string sections, numerous forms such binary and fugue along with sole mood all through the entire piece. Antonio Vivaldi and Claudio Monteverdi are considered as the most significant because they contributed substantially to the smooth transition to Classic music. My favourite piece is Bach’s Ricercar a 6 because it clearly illustrates each note in the chromatic scale.

Classical Era

The classical period advanced upon the Baroque era, between 1750 and 1820, and experienced the advancement of concerto and quartet. Historical events that took place during this era include the introduction of bifocals and invention of the sewing machine. Basic features of music in the era is that it entailed less complexity and was primarily homophonic as compared to Baroque-era music. Two distinguished music writers included Joseph Haydn and Wolfgang Mozart because they were known to churn out memorable melodious tunes. My favorite piece from this era is the Serenade No.13 for strings in G major as a result of the fascinating melodies and powerful impact.

Romantic Era

The romantic era was initiated between 1820 and 1900, bridging the gap between the classical and romantic music era. It generated an escalation of emotion and sense in the music form of art (Simonton 347). The period witnessed events such as the Napoleonic war, which worked as the background of the romantic era. The features of the music include numerous chromatic synchronization and melodramatic differences of crescendos and tone. Hector Berlioz and Frederic Chopin were key players since they characterized the music that promoted personal resourcefulness. My favourite piece is concerto for violin No.1 in G minor as it provides an emotion that is ecstatic and easy.

Modern Era

The modern era of music dates from 1920 to-date with basic features such as innovative scales as melody bases and harmony practices. Other aspects include sentimental tunes and intricate beats. Significant events during this period include the invention of vehicles and ways of storing food, such as refrigerators. Two notable composers include Arnold Schoenberg and Igor Stravinsky, who stand out in history as music writers due to the development of the twelve-tone technique and variation construction principle. I consider Concerto Fantasy for 2 Timpanists and Orchestra as my favourite because of their repetitive structures and simplicity characterize it.


Music composers used different techniques all through the different musical periods. Music is considered a form of art. It is through experimenting that ardent music enthusiasts are capable of discovering their own. As noted, different music writers have their specific preferences and tastes.



Works Cited

Haar, James. “The Concept of the Renaissance.” European Music, 1520–1640. Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Music (2014): 20-37.

Wei-bin, Y. A. N. G. “A Comparative Study of Renaissance Music and Baroque Music.” Journal of Guizhou Normal College 10 (2010): 13.

Simonton, Dean Keith. “Emotion and composition In classical music.” Handbook of music and emotion: Theory, research, applications 347 (2010).

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