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Strengths-Based Leadership | Homework Help Online

Leveraging Strengths in Building a Coalition to Pursue Community Objectives

The application of strengths-based leadership in building a coalition meant to pursue important community objectives is critical in facilitating the realization of the outlined goals. This is based on the capacity to maximize efficiency and productivity capacity of the employees towards attaining the highest success(Mathew & Gupta, 2015). That is, the knowledge in strengths-based approach can be utilized to identify the strengths of the coalition members, identify ways to harness those strengths, and complement the downside of the strengths. This is informed by using individuals to pursue tasks that they are excellent in leading to the achievement of the set objectives.

The application of strengths-based approach is centered on four key facets including influencing, executing, building relationships, and strategic thinking (Mathew & Gupta, 2015). That is, in a coalition designed to pursue community objectives members of the team should be able to influence one another positively in being the best in their respective areas. This outlines high performance, efficiency, and quality in the work done. Also, the capacity to execute mandates based on the strengths of the respective individuals in the coalition means that they are professionals and excellent in their work. This posits that the work done will be of the highest standard leading to the realization of community objectives. The capacity to building relationships is conducive for the team to work together, collaborate and cooperate in meeting various objectives. The application of strategic thinking implies that the members of the coalition are specifically identified and assigned tasks and responsibilities based on their professionalism. For example, in meeting security needs of the community – using ex-service men/women of members of the security forces and experts is essential. In dealing with teenage problems in the community, the use of education experts among other experts in the field is essential to meeting community objectives.

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Strengths-Based Leadership | Homework Help Online . (2021, November 12). Essay Writing . Retrieved April 18, 2024, from https://www.essay-writing.com/samples/strengths-based-leadership/
“ Strengths-Based Leadership | Homework Help Online .” Essay Writing , 12 Nov. 2021, www.essay-writing.com/samples/strengths-based-leadership/
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Strengths-Based Leadership | Homework Help Online [Internet]. Essay Writing . 2021 Nov 12 [cited 2024 Apr 18]. Available from: https://www.essay-writing.com/samples/strengths-based-leadership/
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