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Spartan Women | Homework Writers Online

Millender, Ellen G. “Spartan women.” A Companion to Sparta (2017): 500-524.

This article focuses on the Spartan female experience and expose the reader to a context where they can relate with the overall encounter. The scholar takes a deep dive and explores the role of mousike in educating Spartan girls and other ritual activities, which were critical in the realization of desired goals and objectives.

Wagner, B. B. “What Makes Spartan Women So Different from Other Ancients?” (2020).

In the article, readers understand how the Spartan culture exposed women to an environment where they could explore their identity and overcome challenges facing their gender in the modern world. The author compares Spartan women to their counterparts in other societies and explains the impact of the differences on their perspectives towards life.

Kouřil, Jiří. “Spartan Women and their Relationship to Sport.” (2019).

Unlike other cultures, Spartan women had a unique relationship with the sporting culture, which enabled them to overcome underlying issues affecting their interactions with other people. In this regard, the scholar attributes the Spartan love for sports to various women such as the Spartan Princess and the sister of Agesilaus II.

Glassman, Ronald M. “The Spartan Women: Economic Control, Sexual Liberation, and Olympic Athletics.” In The Origins of Democracy in Tribes, City-States and Nation-States, pp. 901-906. Springer, Cham, 2017.

The article demonstrates the role of women in agricultural economy and their focus towards accomplishing a desirable outcome that would improve the quality of life for the Spartan community. However, the study successfully highlights the contribution of men and the complimentary role of women in achieving the expected outcomes.

Scott, Andrew G. “Spartan courage and the social function of Plutarch’s Laconian apophthegms.” Museum Helveticum (2017): 34-53.

While undertaking the critical role in the Spartan culture, this article demonstrates the important influence of the Plutarch’s Laconian Apophthegms and its ability to provoke the thought process of individuals in the medieval Greek society. It highlights the ability of the concept of courage to influence the changing needs of individuals and its impact on their changing perspectives towards life.

Myszkowska-Kaszuba, Magdalena. “The Roman Mother like the Spartan Mother Remark on a Cross Cultural Notion of the Mother (hood) in Plutarch.” hermes 145, no. 4 (2017): 480-487.

Motherhood is interpreted differently across cultures in the world and is often attributed to the realization of different outcomes recorded in the contemporary world. However, many individuals attribute the Spartan motherly role to the realization of phenomenal outcomes that influenced the changing needs of individuals in the ancient Greek community.

Glassman, Ronald M. “Horticulture, Matrilineal Clans, and the Rise of Status and Power of Women.” In The Origins of Democracy in Tribes, City-States and Nation-States, pp. 89-93. Springer, Cham, 2017.

While comparing the global approach towards farming in different parts of the world, this study explores the rising power of women and their ability to influence outcomes in their contemporary community. In a special way, the author highlights the growing importance of the Spartan women and their ability to influence multiple outcomes in their community and beyond.

Daszuta, Maciej. “The Family as the Internal Enemy of the Spartan State.” CONFLICT IN THE PELOPONNESE (2018): 1.

The concept of conflicts in the family context is an unavoidable subject that influences the nature of interactions among individuals. The author explores the nature of interactions in the average Spartan unit and the role of women in influencing different outcomes in the family unit. This way, the study provides readers with a broad perspective that influences their perspectives towards life.

Romney, Jessica. “Women in an Ancient Greek History Course: From Cameo to Part of the Whole.” Classical World 114, no. 2 (2021): 227-248.

Many studies view women as a distant character where they focus more on their male counterparts, leaving them as an auxiliary aspect of medieval history. However, Romney provides the reader with an intensive approach that influences the nature of outcomes in their surroundings by providing them with an opportunity to understand women from the Spartan perspective.

Stark, Rodney. “The Role of Women in Christian Growth.” In The Rise of Christianity, pp. 109-142. Princeton University Press, 2021.

Women played a critical role in Christian growth because of their perspectives towards life and ability to influence the changing needs of individuals during the Spartan age. Stark believes that women were critical in the development of innovative outcomes that influenced their interactions with their male counterparts, leading to the spread of Christianity in the ancient Spartan context.




Daszuta, Maciej. “The Family as the Internal Enemy of the Spartan State.” CONFLICT IN THE PELOPONNESE (2018): 1.

Glassman, Ronald M. “Horticulture, Matrilineal Clans, and the Rise of Status and Power of Women.” In The Origins of Democracy in Tribes, City-States and Nation-States, pp. 89-93. Springer, Cham, 2017.

Glassman, Ronald M. “The Spartan Women: Economic Control, Sexual Liberation, and Olympic Athletics.” In The Origins of Democracy in Tribes, City-States and Nation-States, pp. 901-906. Springer, Cham, 2017.

Kouřil, Jiří. “Spartan Women and their Relationship to Sport.” (2019).

Millender, Ellen G. “Spartan women.” A Companion to Sparta (2017): 500-524.

Myszkowska-Kaszuba, Magdalena. “The Roman Mother like the Spartan Mother Remark on a Cross Cultural Notion of the Mother (hood) in Plutarch.” hermes 145, no. 4 (2017): 480-487.

Romney, Jessica. “Women in an Ancient Greek History Course: From Cameo to Part of the Whole.” Classical World 114, no. 2 (2021): 227-248.

Scott, Andrew G. “Spartan courage and the social function of Plutarch’s Laconian apophthegms.” Museum Helveticum (2017): 34-53.

Stark, Rodney. “The Role of Women in Christian Growth.” In The Rise of Christianity, pp. 109-142. Princeton University Press, 2021.

Wagner, B. B. “What Makes Spartan Women So Different from Other Ancients?” (2020).


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Spartan Women | Homework Writers Online . (2022, May 24). Essay Writing . Retrieved February 19, 2025, from https://www.essay-writing.com/samples/spartan-women/
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