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Research Proposal Introduction

Topic: Research on the effects of divorce on children and its health impacts.

A Brief Statement of the Problem

The issue of marriage and divorce has become a profound thorn in contemporary American society. Modern American society faces an increasing divorce rate and a lack of sustained marriages causing extensive effects on children. The increased divorce rates in the US have impacts on the children’s health such as causing emotional suffering. Children who have endured divorce experience develop emotional sensitivity and feelings of being overwhelmed. Common characteristics of their health culminate in developing emotional disorders, feeling of loss, anxiety, confusion, guilt, insecurity, blemishes, self-esteem problems, among others. This sets a bad precedent for the future society which makes the family structure to be based on a weak foundation and emotionally wrecked individuals with trust, confidence, and anger problems.

According to the US Census Bureau (2020), the national marriage rate as of 2018 stood at 16.6, i.e., 16.6 of every 1,000 women. At the same measure, the divorce rate in the same year is 7.7. Wilkinson and Finkbeiner’s family law attorneys note that the divorce rate per 1,000 women has nearly doubled that of 1960 (Wilkinson & Finkbeiner, LLP, 2020). Almost 50 percent of all marriages in the US have a likelihood to result in divorce. Studies show that 41 percent of all marriages in the US culminate in divorce or separation. This increases in the second marriage which the divorce rate at 63 percent. The third marriage indicates 73 percent of coming to an end through a divorce (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018). Therefore, shows the severity of the problem in American society.

Why the Topic was Chosen

The topic of the effects of divorce on children is a major problem in American. The choice of the topic is informed by the need to illustrate the damaging effects the actions of parents have on their children’s future and health (Brand, Moore, Song & Xie, 2019). Children are adversely affected by divorce in that their health worsens over time and becomes an unstable generation (Williams-Owens, 2017). With a lack of care, the country is raising an unstable generation which threatens the stability and the future of the country. This is a profoundly important topic that requires extensive studies to propose ways to shield children from emotional aches experience during divorce processes (Amato, 2014).

Reason for the Chosen Approach

The research will utilize both qualitative and quantitative approaches to get an in-depth analysis of the problem in society. The qualitative approach will create a comprehensive understanding of the emotional and health context of children subjected to divorce experiences. The quantitative approach will provide exhaustive data on a statistical analysis of the number of children who have endured divorce processes. As well, provide a thorough understanding of health problems arising as a result of divorce experiences among children.

Need for Additional Research

The need for additional research on the topic is to expound on the existing knowledge and capture developing trends. For example, the growing public health problem arising as a result of divorce experiences among children requires exhaustive understanding and explanation (Anderson, 2014). As well, a further study assessing the kind of generation we are raising as a nation is integral to determine the security of the country in the future (Donahey, 2018). Therefore, extensive research is necessary to help control the emotional wreckage and health problems developed by children in divorce experiences.

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Research Proposal Introduction . (2021, December 17). Essay Writing . Retrieved December 02, 2024, from https://www.essay-writing.com/samples/research-proposal-introduction/
“ Research Proposal Introduction .” Essay Writing , 17 Dec. 2021, www.essay-writing.com/samples/research-proposal-introduction/
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Research Proposal Introduction [Internet]. Essay Writing . 2021 Dec 17 [cited 2024 Dec 02]. Available from: https://www.essay-writing.com/samples/research-proposal-introduction/
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