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Reflection Assignment | Research Paper Help

My journey in writing has been full of ups and downs. As much as initially, I was not a massive fan of reading. My mother always encouraged me to read. Hence when I entered my teenage, I began reading more and ultimately began writing short stories and fantasies as a hobby.

Writing has created a safe space for me since it lets out my thoughts. Through writing, I feel stress-free, where my anxiety is reduced. I draw pictures and outlines in my head about the structures of the paper I am to write before commencing the journey. I always like writing in a quiet and well-organized location or room, which will enable me to become more creative and portray what I think or feel on paper. My main distraction when writing is when there is noise. This is since it destroys my concentration, limiting my writing quality and content. An example of distraction from writing is when once I was writing about a particular experience, a friend walked into my room, making me lose my entire concentration. This is proof that my mind to write determines the way I write. Reading books and novels has also enabled me to become a better writer since I notice the grammar used and try to apply it in my writing.

My prospects in writing are to first succeed in my academics and ensure that I complete my education. I also hope to become a more experienced essay writer through associating with my fellow writers and writing more. I also target to be more confident and less anxious when writing to express my ideas without any form of distraction or fear of underachieving.

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Reflection Assignment | Research Paper Help . (2022, January 18). Essay Writing . Retrieved January 26, 2025, from https://www.essay-writing.com/samples/reflection-assignment/
“ Reflection Assignment | Research Paper Help .” Essay Writing , 18 Jan. 2022, www.essay-writing.com/samples/reflection-assignment/
Reflection Assignment | Research Paper Help . [online]. Available at: <https://www.essay-writing.com/samples/reflection-assignment/> [Accessed 26 Jan. 2025].
Reflection Assignment | Research Paper Help [Internet]. Essay Writing . 2022 Jan 18 [cited 2025 Jan 26]. Available from: https://www.essay-writing.com/samples/reflection-assignment/
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