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Poem Analysis Essay | Poetry Homework Help

The Portrayal of Love in Three Poems

On many occasions, poets aspire to explore different thematic concerns affecting individuals in their immediate environment. When this happens, the literary experts use different approaches that focus on influencing their thought process and channelling them towards resolving issues that interfere with their ability to accomplish desired goals and objectives. In this regard, the portrayal of love in different poems enables one to understand the impact of the abstract experience and its interpretation across multiple audiences. Likewise, analyzing how different poets tackle love presents an opportunity for readers to enjoy the diversity of creativity and embrace certain measures that influence the nature of outcomes in the contemporary society. For this reason, addressing the gaps in some of the poems will create an enabling environment where future studies can offer a guidance on the best approaches that people can use to discover their potential in the contemporary society.

The World is too much with us was published in 1807 by William Wordsworth where he vividly describes the love-hate relationship between nature and humanity. In the sonnet, Wordsworth presents a visual image of the devastating effects of the growing industrial activity on nature (Wordsworth and Patti). Even though the poet wrote the literary material in the 17th century, the world today is witnessing the repercussions of the industrial revolution that led to the development of innovative technologies that solved individual problems. The theme of love is manifested by the limited relationship between individuals where people can accomplish their desired goals and objectives.

In Edgar Allan Poe’s The Raven, the narrator is reflecting on his relationship with a loved one, demonstrating the importance of being vulnerable when attaining closure. In an interesting twist of events, Poe addresses the theme of love by exploring the impact of death on individuals (Poe). The aspect of lost love exposes one to extreme grief and sorrow, which affects their perspectives towards life because of the underlying issues that influence the thought process of individuals. The grieving narrator not only wants to be with the woman he loves but also experience the glorious nature of the abstract feeling when approaching different situations in his immediate environment.

In To My Dear and Loving Husband, Anne Bradstreet explores the theme of love in full by exposing the readers to an environment where they can experience the benefits of being in love. The poet explores the speaker’s relationship with her husband and their changing perspectives towards life (Bradstreet). She notices that the narrator has become more happier since she connected with her husband who completes her life. The ability of the poet to relive various memories created by the speaker and her husband exposes one to an environment where they can discover the benefits of being in love.

Addressing the gaps in some of the poems will create an enabling environment where future studies can offer a guidance on the best approaches that people can use to discover their potential in the contemporary society. Unlike Anne who focuses on the theme of love fully, the other poems embrace a distant approach that requires readers to focus on other issues to experience the strong effect of love on one’s perspectives towards life. In the same vein, individuals encounter different aspects of existence that influence their perspectives towards life. When this happens, it becomes apparent to the speaker that there is a need to overcome the emerging challenges that interfere with the thought process of individuals.


Works Cited

Bradstreet, Anne. “To my dear and loving husband.” (2012).

Poe, Edgar Allan, and David Scattergood. “The raven.” (1873).

Wordsworth, William, and Patti Jo Rogers. The World is Too Much with Us... PJ Rogers, 1980.

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