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Network Technologies And Culture Change | Homework Help

The creative network technologies and cultural change could not have a better time to expand into society than this period amid the global health pandemic. The implementation of the social distancing and stay at home orders has prompted new ways of thinking and creativity to engage the society and work themselves. This is fundamental in engaging the community, and all members of the family engaged and mentally nourished. The spiritual, mental, and physical capacity of people can be enhanced through creative approaches that create more awareness on the artwork, artists, and vernacular creative practices, the things that keep individuals going on an everyday basis.

The use of virtual groups for creative network technologies is crucial to impact on a cultural change course. This revolves around the creation of virtual activities such as dancing, meditation, yoga, and creative practices to engage all members of society (McDonnell et al., 2019, 2). The essay outlines the use of platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, among other popular social media platforms, to keep the people tuned and engaged in the exercises. The virtual connection and creation of a real-life connection with people are advanced through the “Together Apart” approach.

The “Together Apart” approach is designed to outline creative forms that enable the members of the society amid the coronavirus pandemic to generate alternative ways for social interaction (Hogsett, 2020). Technological networks are a crucial part of creativity as they facilitate the realization of the theme. “Together Apart” can be actualized amidst the social distancing and stay at home policies through virtual groups that bring people together (Zakaria, Amelinckx and Wilemon, 2004, 15). While one is isolated in their homes with family members – this creative mechanism seeks to create daily routines on what to do. The conception of being alone or apart is resolved by bringing people from diverse races to the online channels enabling people to feel connected. Despite being apart from each other – there is the conception of bringing people together on the same platforms. Thus, it creates the sensation of “together apart” feeling and connection – a culture that can prolong beyond the pandemic (Parker, 2020).

The exercising opportunities are bound to attract artists from the vernacular contents and draw people closer and create awareness on their creations. It is an opportunity to engage the society with contents that capitalize on the environment they understand better (Zakaria et al., 2004, 15). The artworks displayed on exercising, meditation, yoga, and dancing background screens, the artistic works, and the vernacular contents induce a sense of pride to the local cultures. The opportunity to create more understanding and awareness for the content is established. This impacts by bringing society members closer more than ever despite being apart from each other physically. The technological networks maintain creative ways for virtual connections of people enabling them to maintain a proficient level of daily routines and creative engagements (McDonnell et al., 2019, 2). Thus, it contributes to the nourishment of the mind, body, and soul in the wake of enormous challenges of avoiding physical, social interactions.

The intercultural cities programme launched in Dublin gives an example of creative network technologies and cultural changes to impact the wellbeing of people while remaining in isolation. The “Holding it Together Apart” theme entail a Community Development Project designed to help people maintain physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing in the wake of isolation orders and stay at home (Council of Europe, 2020). The initiative was created by the Declan Hayden Community Development Manager in the South East Area. The response to the COVID-19 restrictions has overturned the way we used to live and social-cultural interactions setting a new course for creativity and innovations to fill the void (Hogsett, 2020). The cultural changes through technological networks are fundamental to create a sense of belonging and wellbeing of the people.

Therefore, the “Together Apart” theme implemented through technological networks creates a platform to bring people together amid the social distancing, isolation, and stay at home orders. The use of artworks, artists, and vernacular contents during the sessions is critical to creating more awareness among all members of the society as they struggle to develop a daily routine (Parker, 2020). The creative content implemented in the virtual world enables people to come together while remaining apart. This enables the capacity for cultural changes following the adoption of new practices that set a new norm for the future. The connectivity of the people to the platforms is critical to maintaining the physical, spiritual, mental, and overall health trends during the pandemic.

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Network Technologies And Culture Change | Homework Help . (2022, July 25). Essay Writing . Retrieved December 10, 2024, from https://www.essay-writing.com/samples/network-technologies-and-culture-change/
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