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Mobile Applications Paper | Online Homework Help

The application of mobile payments and mobile wallets creates various prospects for individuals and business entities equally to use the profits linked to having mobile transactions allowed. According to Wills (2019), by integrating credit and debit cards into a mobile payment application, one is capable of paying for goods and services with a mobile handset, similar to swiping or inserting your card. The profits of incorporating mobile payments is considered as a game-changer, and it generates the capability to transact at any duration with only a few taps on a device. Mobile payments provide various fundamental profits such as additional safety, optimal payment speed, digital wallet observing, and minimal paper is utilized. Introduction of mobile transaction techniques to corporations or persons might be considered as the best choice when seeing how the universe would function in future. However, there are several safety and confidentiality concerns linked too. Companies ought to invest in making a company-wide payment application instead of letting employees utilize Shadow IT apps to process data and payments.

Feedback Response 2

Transaction through mobile applications are an increasing trend used by the public to seek various services. Despite the existence of inherent dangers in delegating the service to a merchant, presenting a mobile-friendly transaction alternative integrates an extra layer of expediency for every guest. The PCI Security Standards Council has drafted Guidelines specially meant for transactions through mobile platforms. According to ENISA (2016), most PCI standards are deemed common sense, for instance, ensuring data is not easily available at any point. With the variable use instances of mobile gadgets functioning as POS platforms, it is extra challenging to maintain PCI compatibility. These dangers would all be alleviated by providing proper training for the teams that are liable for managing payments along with mobile devices. Therefore, companies need to guarantee the effectiveness of payment applications by developing a company-wide payment application.

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Mobile Applications Paper | Online Homework Help . (2022, January 18). Essay Writing . Retrieved October 04, 2024, from https://www.essay-writing.com/samples/mobile-applications/
“ Mobile Applications Paper | Online Homework Help .” Essay Writing , 18 Jan. 2022, www.essay-writing.com/samples/mobile-applications/
Mobile Applications Paper | Online Homework Help . [online]. Available at: <https://www.essay-writing.com/samples/mobile-applications/> [Accessed 04 Oct. 2024].
Mobile Applications Paper | Online Homework Help [Internet]. Essay Writing . 2022 Jan 18 [cited 2024 Oct 04]. Available from: https://www.essay-writing.com/samples/mobile-applications/
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