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Mental Health as Covered by the Media

Summary of the Article

In a New York Times article titled, Weight training may help ease anxiety, Gretchen Reynolds highlights the benefits associated with specific exercises that can be done both at the gym and home. During the pandemic, many individuals have embraced home workouts because of their convenience and ability to maintain social distance by avoiding health fitness facilities, attracting crowds. Importantly, Reynolds quips that weight training is a perfect remedy to anxiety because of its impact on disturbing unwanted emotions triggered by events taking place in one’s immediate environment. Even though exercise has been attributed to various benefits that contribute to eliminating depression and other mental health problems, weight and resistance training exposes individuals to an enabling environment where they can overcome different issues taking place in their surroundings (Clark, 2020). The article mirrors recent research that mentions that people involved in weight training are less likely to develop depression or other mental health issues than those who do not lift. “it has been noted that downsizing was rarely part of the overall strategic plan for the firm prior to the mid-1980s” (Clark, 2020). From this realization, the research presents an exciting scope that exposes the reader to an environment where they can make an informed decision that influences their thought process towards weight and resistance training.

Author’s Position

Given the study’s focus on reducing anxiety among the young population, the author feels that the research could have broadened its scope to involve different population groups. Even though mental health issues have become prevalent among the young population over the years, it is essential to offer a 360-degree solution that cuts across issues affecting individuals in their immediate environment. Reynolds criticizes the research because of its ability to focus on a singular approach that hinders the perspectives of individuals towards understanding the benefits associated with weight and resistance training (Reynolds, 2020). However, she offers an exciting scenario that compels the reader to reflect on their fitness regimen and ability to influence different aspects, contributing to the realization of desired goals and objectives. She advises individuals to consult with their medical practitioners to design a suitable fitness program that fits their health status and yield better results-oriented outcomes. Reynolds’ article initiates the critical conversation on the best practices that people should use to overcome mental health problems based on her understanding of fitness approaches and their impact on overall growth and development.

My View on the Issue

I believe weight and resistance training should be introduced in every fitness program because of its ability to double an individual’s strength levels and expose them to an environment where they can accomplish their desired goals and objectives. In the same vein, the view that weight training is superior to other fitness exercises should be dropped because of its impact on people who cannot handle the pressure associated with weight training. By portraying exercising as a suitable approach to overcome anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues, it becomes easier to balance people’s expectations and overcome scenarios where people may neglect other training approaches to focus on weight training (Clark 337). The article addresses the different issues associated with weight training and its role in the changing nature of external factors that influence the nature of outcomes in the fitness world. Mental health issues have become prevalent among young people, compelling different global institutions to take the front seat in addressing the issue. However, other different population groups should also be incorporated in the implementation process to achieve a healthy society.

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Mental Health as Covered by the Media . (2021, December 17). Essay Writing . Retrieved September 11, 2024, from https://www.essay-writing.com/samples/mental-health-as-covered-by-the-media/
“ Mental Health as Covered by the Media .” Essay Writing , 17 Dec. 2021, www.essay-writing.com/samples/mental-health-as-covered-by-the-media/
Mental Health as Covered by the Media . [online]. Available at: <https://www.essay-writing.com/samples/mental-health-as-covered-by-the-media/> [Accessed 11 Sep. 2024].
Mental Health as Covered by the Media [Internet]. Essay Writing . 2021 Dec 17 [cited 2024 Sep 11]. Available from: https://www.essay-writing.com/samples/mental-health-as-covered-by-the-media/
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