The Berlin conference of 1884-1885 was a meeting that took place between European nations and the United States to divide up Africa in a civilized manner. The nations involved in the meeting include Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Russia, Spain, United Kingdom, United States, and the Ottoman Empire. The utmost significance the Berlin Conference had on Africa was the advancement of foreign realms that disjointed the whole region with the exclusion of Ethiopia, which continued being independent. Another impact was the steady abolition of slave trading amongst the African and Islamic authorities by the European expatriate countries.
Decolonization is considered as a process in which colonial nations become sovereign on the colonizing country. Several factors resulted in decolonization. Foremost, military forces from the colonies who battled for the European expatriate authorities reverted to the countries of origin to battle for their nations. Secondly, the foreign colonial authorities developed many debts from warfare and could not afford to progress the process of colonization. Lastly, the United States and the Soviet Union had conflicting opinions over the colonial structures. After decolonization, they both engaged in the war for the control in the freshly sovereign nations.
The Good Neighbor Policy entail that the U.S. has the ability to engage a noninterventionist methodology towards Africa, not applying armed forces to exert power in the continent. Good Neighbor Policy has a stimulating legacy as compared to the shifts in international relations soon after its application. The policy permitted the U.S. to review the trading relations with major African nations after their colonization. The various mutual agreements on trade were intended at strengthening the slumped U.S. economy. Under this trading component of the strategy, U.S. exportations to Native African nations augmented.
There are several causes of the revolution. The first factor leading to revolution is slavery. The Haitian Revolution is regarded as the huge and most effective uprising, as the French had numerous slaves working on French land, and the slaves eventually got fed up. Another aspect of the revolt was the ongoing French uprising in France. The third factor of the revolt was that the citizens of Haiti were battling for more as compared to the French. The outcome of the revolution includes; the Haitian revolution, which had an affirmative effect on America’s economy as it permitted the inhabiting nations and the French property owners to accumulate vast proceeds utilizing slave trade and production of sugar. This led to the deaths of more than 100,000 citizens due to warfare, diseases, and fire.
There are various why the Cuban revolt had a restrained with America. Foremost, the unrestrained relationship between Cuba and the U.S. has its origins in the Cold War. The United States accepted the administration led by Fidel Castro but later started inflicting economic sanctions. This was a result of the novel government increasing its trading activities with the Soviet Union, municipalized properties owned by Americans, and also hiking the tax imposed on American importations. The second aspect is Washington imposed an injunction on almost every U.S. exportation to Cuba that President John F. Kennedy extended into a complete financial restriction that comprised severe restrictions on traveling.
From a production point of view, the effects of NAFTA on Mexico may generally be positive. As a result of the signing of the treaty, numerous overseas industrial companies established industries within the country’s precincts. Secondly, foreign investments greatly increased with billions of dollars being pumped into the economy in various sectors every year. The foreign investments exhibited in an upsurge in production as a portion of Mexican exportation, with transfers to the United States growing to 88.66% of Mexican trades by 2001. The effect of NAFTA on Mexico has also been undesirable in other regions. As a result of the tariff reduction, the United States could send an increasingly greater share of its products across the borders. Growers of corn in Mexico were unpleasantly distressed by inexpensive importations from the United States.
The key principles of Bolivar’s revolution revolved around the aspect of nationalization, social welfare programs, and opposition to neoliberalism. This is seen when Bolívar leads an army operation into Venezuela that magnificently overpowered the Spanish in six successive armed warfare. He regained the political authority of Venezuela and launched the Second Republic of Venezuela. The principles of San list martin’s revolution were conquering and redeeming Chile. After the Independence of Chile, San Martín assisted in establishing a Chilean merchant marine that transported San Martín’s army to the Lima coast. In July 1821, royal forces ultimately started retreating, as san Martín’s military held part of Lima, and he was selected as the Shield of Peru.
Columbus was able to conquer America because he was among the first Europeans to gain access to America. This is because they traded everything they owned without coercion, did not possess any firearms, and bore no ignorance. One of the key causes of the decline was that the Spanish kingdom was massive and hard to control. The other cause of instability entailed instigation of a battle against Napoleon and the French Empire, it generated an authority void in American colonies ruled by Spain. Numerous native foreign régimes that cropped up disliked the imposing rule and pursued radical and societal power over their people. The other reason is that the Spanish American insurgents were encouraged by the enlightenment’s principles and desired to develop independent nations free from the rule of the Europeans.
The invasion of Columbus resulted in several effects. Foremost, it resulted in the Europeans’ introduction of pigs, which they permitted to feed in woodlands and other wildlands. Pigs ingested the foods on which indigenous species depended, leading to a shortage of the animals conventionally hunted. Secondly, it resulted in the introduction of diseases such as smallpox and syphilis, which caused had caused sickness and death everywhere. Europeans settled as the inhabitants did not have any form of a vaccine. Lastly, it resulted in the establishment of new commodities of the trade, such as sugar and tobacco, which were viewed as of significant value for Europeans as a cash crop.
The Iraq War had ancillary links to the Arab revolutions that took over part of the Middle East and North Africa in 2011. For one, the decline of Saddam’s power may have mentally endowed Arab antagonism advocates who viewed that a Ba’thist ruler and his sons can be overthrown. The ouster of Saddam Hussein and the tumbling of an entire succession of other Arab rulers in 2011 were narrowly linked. Also, the U.S.A. invasion made youthful Arabs envision the ouster of other rulers from other areas in the region.
The Pact of Umar is regarded as a mythical pact amongst the Muslims and the Christian faithful in nations such as Syria, Mesopotamia, and Jerusalem that afterward attained acknowledged eminence in Islamic jurisprudence. The Pact of Umar has aided in governing the relationship amongst the Muslims and Jews, Christians. The pact states that Christians should not parade the cross in houses of worship or display the crosses or holy books in Muslims’ streets. Moreover, that Christians will lightly strike the clappers in the places of worship. Christians will not declaim ceremonies loudly in the presence of a Muslim and not carrying Palm branches while marching on the streets.
The profession of Faith (shahada) that denotes there is no god but God and Muhammad is God’s emissary. This is considered as fundamental to the Islamic religion. The other principle is Prayer (salat), which entails the aspect of Muslims praying facing Mecca at an interval of five times each day. The intervals include in the morning, midday, mid-afternoon, dusk, and after in the evening. The next principle is Alms (zakat), which, according to the law of Islam, Muslims contribute a fixed amount of revenue to the needy members of the society. The other principle is Fasting (sawm), where every healthy adult Muslim is obligated to fast during the day while observing Ramadhan’s holy month. Muslims share the starvation and thirstiness of the needy as a notice of the sacred responsibility to aid the unfortunate individuals. The last principle is the Pilgrimage (hajj), which means that every healthy and financially stable person must visit Mecca’s holy city in Saudi Arabia.
The Arab Spring was a sequence of pro-democracy revolts involving Muslim nations, including Tunisia, Morocco, Syria, Libya, Egypt, and Bahrain. The happenings in these countries mostly took place in the spring of December 2010, which resulted in being branded as the Arab Spring. Initial remonstrations instigated the occurrences in Tunisia on 18th December. The Arab Spring started in December 2010 when a Tunisian street seller, known as Mohammed Bouazizi, burnt himself as a way of protesting the police’s indiscriminate snatching of his stand. The sacrificial act by Bouazizi’s functioned as a facilitator of the purported Jasmine Revolt in Tunisia.
In the early empire of Mali, the Mansa Musa Empire was linked through the trading activities. The utmost significant trading activities involved the gold business, while the other trading commodity entailed the salt commodity. Most of the gold was transacted through the desert of Sahara to other nations on the coast of North Africa. The gold excavations located in West Africa during Mansa Musa’s reign offered a massive fortune to other West African Kingdoms in nations such as Ghana and Mali. Other types of commodities were normally transacted comprised of elephant trunks, cloth, metal products, as well as slave trading.
The Armenian genocide entailed the systematic assassination and extradition of Armenian citizens by the Turks of the Ottoman Kingdom. The genocide commenced when leaders of Armenian origin, authors, philosophers, and experts in Constantinople (present-day Istanbul) were gathered, extradited, and murdered. Five thousand of the underprivileged Armenian citizens were also slaughtered in their households and the streets. Another reason for the oppression of Armenian citizens between 1915 and 1917 was the spiritual tautness generated by the element that a majority of Christians were living under the law of an Islamic country.
“If a complete part of the globe is in ashes and diminished to an unruly battlefield for hooligans and armed forces, the solitary reprieve will come in the form of open seas and what is further than the skyline.”