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Leadership Behavior | Management Homework Help Online

After completing the organizational climate questionnaire, I scored 21 in providing structure within a group setting. I believe that teams accomplish their desired outcomes when they are exposed to a structured style of leadership that outlines the different roles that can be accomplished by the group. I intend to work on my ability to form relationships and provide clear guidance to individuals whenever I am exposed to the group setting.

The success of a group is largely influenced by the ability of individuals to adhere to the different norms guiding their interactions. I scored 23 in the clarifying norms assessment, which demonstrated my desire to establish different guidelines that dictate the nature of interactions in a group setting. I am however concerned on the need to improve my communication and listening skills because of their impact on the nature of outcomes in a group context.

Another important aspect for a group is its ability to inspire cohesiveness among its members. Whenever I am delegated to lead a group, I emphasize the importance of respect because of its influence on the thought process of individuals. I also urge members to respect other people’s opinions and acknowledge the role of their differences in building a unique outcome. However, I am unable to help other people build a spirit of camaraderie, which promotes cohesiveness in the group. I am focused on learning this technique to improve my leadership score.

As a leader, one should promote the standards of excellence to help other individuals discover their potential and align their interests with the primary goals of the group. Essentially, acknowledging the input of other people and providing feedback on the approaches that can be used to achieve desired outcomes is an important approach that leaders should use when guiding individuals in a group setting. I scored 24 in this assessment and I am willing to explore different resources to become a better leader.

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Leadership Behavior | Management Homework Help Online . (2022, April 26). Essay Writing . Retrieved December 14, 2024, from https://www.essay-writing.com/samples/leadership-behavior/
“ Leadership Behavior | Management Homework Help Online .” Essay Writing , 26 Apr. 2022, www.essay-writing.com/samples/leadership-behavior/
Leadership Behavior | Management Homework Help Online . [online]. Available at: <https://www.essay-writing.com/samples/leadership-behavior/> [Accessed 14 Dec. 2024].
Leadership Behavior | Management Homework Help Online [Internet]. Essay Writing . 2022 Apr 26 [cited 2024 Dec 14]. Available from: https://www.essay-writing.com/samples/leadership-behavior/
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