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Intersection of Human Rights and Counterterrorism | Homework Help Online

The human expense of radicalism has been experienced in practically each corner of the world. Terrorism evidently bears a very genuine and direct effect on human rights, with overwhelming concerns for the delight of the right to life, freedom and corporeal honour of victims. In addition to the individual detriments, radicalism may undermine Administrations, destabilize civil society, put at risk harmony and safety, and impend social and economic growth. All the stated elements similarly bear a real effect on the delight of human privileges. Individual’s security is a fundamental human right and the safety of people is, therefore, an ultimate responsibility of Administration. States as a result bear an obligation of ensuring national’s human rights are respected and safeguarded against radicalized deeds.

Regard for human rights and the rule of law should be the foundation of the universal fight against extremism. This necessitates the growth of national counter-terrorism approaches that search for ways of preventing terrorism acts, take legal action against individuals liable for such criminal deeds, and promoting and protecting human privileges and the laws.  It indicates processes of addressing the situations encouraging the spread of extremism. This includes the non-existence of the rule of law and human rights abuse, cultural, nation-wide and religious discernment, political elimination, and socio-economic disregarding.

In most instances, the measures embraced by most States towards countering terrorism have themselves repeatedly posed grave problems to human rights and the law. Most States have resorted to engaging in torment and other forms of maltreatment towards countering terrorism. On the other hand, the lawful and practical precautions accessible to avert torture, for instance consistent and sovereign observing of incarceration centres, have frequently been overlooked.  The judiciary’s sovereignty has been dented, in several areas, whilst the utilization of unique law court for trials bore an instant effect on the efficiency of customary court structures.


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Intersection of Human Rights and Counterterrorism | Homework Help Online . (2022, April 16). Essay Writing . Retrieved April 19, 2024, from https://www.essay-writing.com/samples/intersection-of-human-rights-and-counterterrorism-homework-help-online/
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