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Immigration Essay | Do My Assignment | Homework Help Online

The words used in the Bible to describe immigrants and refugees

There are plenty of words used to describe the immigrants and refugees in the Bible. Refugees are mostly referred to as strangers, foreigners, or sojourners. Strangers and foreigners entail anyone from a different ethnic group but have chosen to live with the Jews in Israel. On the other hand, sojourners are individuals who have temporarily been living in a new country or just traveling through the country.

How the Bible addresses the treatment of immigrants and refugees

The Bible advocates for the right treatment of immigrants and refugees. In the book of Mathew 25:31 -40, Christians are urged to treat strangers well, since they on the Final judgment, the righteous will be granted paradise. The Bible talks about feeding the hungry and welcoming strangers. It makes it clear that every Christian needs to see everyone as Christ in the flesh. According to scholars, them strangers and neighbors are in fact synonyms, where the Bible urges everyone to observe the Golden Rule, which is to love ty neighbor as thyself”.

 Lessons learned from this topic. 

From the Bible and Welcoming the stranger readings, it is manifest that it is a very Christian responsibility to take care of strangers. Strangers may include an unknown person or a person seeking refuge in your country. This is since, according to the Bible, such kinds of actions will be used in the judge net day to distinguish between the righteous and the non-righteous.

 The implications for social practice 

From the lesson learned on how to treat refugees, it is manifest that social workers also have a great responsibility of ensuring that the wellbeing of the immigrants and refugees is catered for . They need to advocates for their rights and ensure that they comfortably settle in the new country. They should treat them with respect and dignity since they are humans, just like everyone else. Social workers also need to advocate for better policies and programs which will benefit such communities.


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Immigration Essay | Do My Assignment | Homework Help Online . (2022, June 08). Essay Writing . Retrieved February 13, 2025, from https://www.essay-writing.com/samples/immigration-essay/
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