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How Getting Vaccinated with Covid 19 Shots Goes Against my Religion



DATE: 31/07/2021

SUBJECT: How Getting Vaccinated with Covid 19 Shots Goes Against my Religion

Covid 19 is a deadly pandemic that has affected both the economy and people’s way of life. The Covid 19 vaccines have many benefits, including protecting the body from contracting the virus. However, my religion’s primary concern is that the vaccines contain cell-linings from aborted fetuses, which contradicts our religious beliefs. Another concern that surrounds the Covid vaccine is its effectiveness and overall safety. Despite the numerous conspiracies, there is limited information about the COVID 19 vaccine. The fact that everyone is mandated to have the vaccine to socialize and interact with other people raises many questions. To gain access to certain areas in the city, such as schools and certain states, one has to be vaccinated. For this reason, the limited freedom of choice around the vaccination process hinders us from making informed decisions.

According to existing research, people have been exempted from getting flu vaccination based on personal and religious reasons. This means that mandating everyone to get the vaccine would go against religious practices, beliefs, and observances. There should be an exception that allows people to opt-out of vaccines based on their religious beliefs. There have been other laws in most states that enable individuals to make decisions without limiting their options.

Finally, requiring people to be vaccinated imposes a burden on personal liberty. Everyone can practice their religion freely, which does not include exposing the community. The same conclusion that one should get vaccination may override the freedom to practice their religion. Based on the above discussion, moral and personal objections could be valid for getting the covid vaccine. It is unethical and irresponsible because the implications could cause serious harm to other people for no particular reason.


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How Getting Vaccinated with Covid 19 Shots Goes Against my Religion . (2022, June 04). Essay Writing . Retrieved February 19, 2025, from https://www.essay-writing.com/samples/how-getting-vaccinated-with-covid-19/
“ How Getting Vaccinated with Covid 19 Shots Goes Against my Religion .” Essay Writing , 04 Jun. 2022, www.essay-writing.com/samples/how-getting-vaccinated-with-covid-19/
How Getting Vaccinated with Covid 19 Shots Goes Against my Religion . [online]. Available at: <https://www.essay-writing.com/samples/how-getting-vaccinated-with-covid-19/> [Accessed 19 Feb. 2025].
How Getting Vaccinated with Covid 19 Shots Goes Against my Religion [Internet]. Essay Writing . 2022 Jun 04 [cited 2025 Feb 19]. Available from: https://www.essay-writing.com/samples/how-getting-vaccinated-with-covid-19/
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