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History of Electronic Music | Homework Help Experts

Electronic music refers to any music consisting of electronic processing in its creation and performance. The type of music consists of electronic processing in the production of various functions, including recording and editing. Electronic processing is also used in other purposes, such as its reproduction, that involves the use of loudspeakers. In the production of electronic music, the producer anticipates the electronic processing that would subsequently apply to the musical concept (Hiller, 2018). The consideration would ensure that the final product elaborates on the interaction of the electronic music composer with the medium of composition. The production of electronic music utilizes a wide variety of sound resources. It engages a wide range of sounds, including sounds picked up by microphones and those produced through the use of electronic oscillators.

The origin of electronic music is traced back to the 18th century. The development of electronic music is attributed to the search for new technical ways for expression. The period before the second world war was characterized by significant experimentation on newly developed electronic and electric devices. The period resulted in the development of electronic musical instruments, including the theremin and the Hammond organ. Following the development of these new organs, new timbres were created that shaped the basis for technical foundations for the future development of electronic music from 1948 (Gibson, 2014). Electronic music was significantly affected by the rapid growth of computers and computing devices at the time before the second world war. The increasing technological development also promoted electronic music at the time. It led to the development of computing music; a term concurrent to electronic music. Computer music elaborates the interactions between the music composers and the electronic medium in the process of the creation of music.

The most rapid development of electronic music became eminent from the 1960s, following the increased growth and inventions used in the creation of electronic music. The first significant invention, however, occurred in 1953 with the establishment of Moog music by Dr Robert Moog. The Moog music began as a manufacturing company of theremin products and kits used in electronic music production. Additionally, the transistor that is also a significant part of the creation of electronic music was further invented in 1956, consequently increasing the prospects of electronic music. The company is further accredited for the manufacturing of the semiconductor device, an instrument used in switching and amplifying electronic signals and currents essential in electronic music. The tremendous breakthrough of the electronic music genre further propelled the Moog musical company to develop more musical instruments, including synthesizers, utilized in the creation and performance of modern electronic music.

The development and the increased advent of the internet also played a significant role in the development of electronic music. Popular social media platforms, including YouTube and Soundcloud, have increased the ability to spread and access the music. Through these platforms, the music is accessible to both old fans of the music and new listeners who potentially develop an interest in the type of music (EDM Sauce Staff, 2020).  Through the internet platforms, the promotion of the music has been made easier as the artists do not have to find physical distributing locations.  Additionally, through internet platforms, the production of electronic music has also been easier as producers can access applications such as Ableton Live, Logic Pro, and FL studio that increases the ability to produce electronic music.

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History of Electronic Music | Homework Help Experts . (2022, July 22). Essay Writing . Retrieved September 11, 2024, from https://www.essay-writing.com/samples/history-of-electronic-music/
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