Organizational culture is described as a system of shared expectations, standards, and principles that oversee the employees’ conducts. A country’s culture may have a significant impact on the principles, norms, and beliefs conveyed or established within a corporation. The GLOBE (Globe Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness) research assessed and measured nine cultural aspects of approximately sixty nations. Hofstede scrutinized and gaged six cultural dimensions of many nations. Both resources, along with other source materials, will be used to associate and differentiate the culture of both Poland and United States.
Performance Orientation
Regarding the cultural facet of performance orientation, the U.S. and Poland registered high-range scores with the U.S. registering slightly higher marks of 4.49 compared to Poland 3.89. Within the American culture, communication amongst managers and employees is casual, direct, and participative to a significant level. The United States business structure is a framework that offers monetary and promotional inducements founded on levels of performance. In addition, the United States values materialism and competition. In the Polish Culture, communication amongst administrators and personnel involves a top-down and directive approach. The Polish culture esteems family and personal relations. Performance orientation is perceived in Polish learning institutions, companies, and institution of higher education by utilizing performance assessment tools.
Uncertainty Avoidance
In the cultural aspect of uncertainty avoidance, the U.S. and Poland bore different scores, with Poland registering a global score of 3.62 and United States registering a score of 4.15. Poland is customarily a patient country whereby patience for the unanticipated is high. The society has acknowledged that things may not constantly be seamless, and that society may not continuously regulate the outcomes. In the Polish culture, individuals normally do not feel determined and obliged to integrate action-initiatives and contentedly resolve to partake in recognized rolls and procedures without being inquisitive. Based on the American Culture, Americans do not need many instructions and tend to be more understanding of philosophies or sentiments from any individual and grant the freedom of expression. American culture, there is a rational degree of recognition for fresh concepts, innovative products and a inclination to attempt something fresh or diverse.
In-Group Collectivism
The U.S. had a score that was medium range, 4.2 and on the other hand, Poland had a score of 4.53 that was comparatively high based on the aspect of in-group collectivism. In Poland, immediate family, extended family, neighbours, work group persuade an individual’s behavior, and other such comprehensive social systems that the person has some connection towards. In Polish culture, a robust distinction is made between in-groups and out-groups as members of society are projected to act in accordance to the greater good of one’s defined in-group or in-groups. The United States is an distinctive society and the citizens pride themselves on their capability to be self-efficient and independent. In the United States, individuals perceive themselves and their immediate relatives, and in the corporate world, people are projected to be self-sufficient and display initiative. People stress on level-headedness in behavior.
Power Distance
The U.S. registered a medium range score of 4.88 while Poland had a high score of 5.1 for power distance. Poland’s higher score in this cultural dimension specifies that they accept inequity and hierarchy. A top-down structure in society and administrations is respected in their culture. In the Polish culture, people accept that every member of the society has their place and are reliant on power figures to provide direction. This is contrary to United States culture, as persons believe that any individual irrespective of social status may be similarly as influential and decisions and recommendations are acknowledged from all, and are given equal consideration. The culture is less compliant of age and titles, and is less understanding for intense authority. In the United States, hierarchy is established for handiness and there is a focus on equivalent rights in every aspect of American society and administration.
Gender Egalitarianism
Both nations registered a score low in the cultural dimension of gender parity. The U.S.’ score was slightly lower, 3.34 compared to Poland’s 4.02. In the United States, patriarchy remains entrenched in the mind-set of men and women although the technology driven 21st century has initiated contemporary standards and values, for instance, broader approval of females amongst personnel (Catalyst, 2019). . Based on research done, American females believe they are under restraints of patriarch society at home and at work. In Poland, Women administrators in Poland comprise of 44% of the work force (The News PL, 2017). This is considered as one of the highest in European Nations. Nonetheless, this trend has not been matched with a conforming surge in men’s share of unsettled household work, men’s entrance into conventionally female-dominated jobs, or significant reorganizations to government and workplace guidelines on gender parity.
Humane Orientation
Poland and the U.S. registered medium range marks in this cultural dimension with the US scoring somewhat greater compared to the Poland. In both principles, the interests of others are significant to a certain extent. For Poland, their score specifies that preparation, capitalizing and future oriented behaviors are not greatly stressed on. United States displays great regard for societies, a small inclination to save for the future and an emphasis on accomplishing rapid outcomes. In the United States, child labor principles and labor enforcement principles have been rolled back in many states across the nation. For instance, Idaho enacted a bill letting pupils aged 12 and above to be engaged by school regions for up to 10 hours each week. Both nations should continue prioritizing the children’s interests and strive to eradicate child labor.
Institutional Collectivism
Both nations registered medium range score within the cultural dimension. Poland consists of both collectivistic and individualist traits, with a score of 5.52. There is a great inclination for fitting in a larger social context within the Polish culture. Polish citizens have a preference of narrow classified structure and functioning in groups. Americans prefer an extensive hierarchical structure that is principally established for expediency. Vital pronouncements are typically arrived at independently (Lumen Learning, 2020). Within the American culture, hiring and promotion pronouncements are founded on what an person has done or may accomplish whereas in Polish culture, employment and promotion pronouncements are founded on connections.
Future Orientation
The GLOBE research indicated that showed that Poland and the U.S. had medium range scores of 3.11 and 4.15. Since both nations were equally close to the mid-range point, they possess a fair degree of predisposition to safe for the future, work for long-standing accomplishment, and corporations tend to be adaptable. Based on Hofstede’s 6-D Model, Poland is a very self-possessed civilization and citizens regulator the satisfaction of their needs (Hofstede Insights, 2020). The U.S. is considered an indulgent community that can be disposed to have weak control over their instincts and citizens have a work hard play hard approach. American citizens believe in enjoying life and having fun.
Poland scored relatively low on assertiveness, with a score of 4.06 whereas the U.S. had a medium range score of 4.55. Within the American culture, personnel are projected to take initiatives. It is however different in the Polish culture whereby personnel should be loyal. Poland’s low scores indicate that they respect collaboration and warm relations that is not astonishing due to the significance of family and in-groups. The U.S. is more insistent compared to Poland, which is apparent in the “I” approach of one of the most individualistic cultures in the world that is driven, by competition and achievement.
Astoundingly, the U.S. and India had more cultural comparisons compared to differences. The GLOBE research and Hofstede’s nation comparison instrument are inordinate resources to study regarding the values of different nations. Comprehending and knowledge of one’s culture and that of others will aid in improving individual and business connections.