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Discussion Question 1 Assignment Task

Servers can be configured through a storage pool which is a standalone server that allows all data to be stored in the same storage space. Therefore, as an administrator, I would develop a storage pool where all the servers can rely on the storage space to store all the data. A storage pool is considered as a physical disk that has the capability of extending more than one disk and creating a fault tolerance that combines the disks to create shared storage (Trieu, 2017). The storage pool enables the creation of a virtual single pool space that combines all the individual storage spaces within the servers (Lakshman, 2018). The disks will be joined together through RAID technology to generate a RAID group which will ensure shared and connected storage capacity.

Ideally, the storage pool will take all the available storage and generate a huge drive that allows shared space. Therefore, a storage pool will allow the two servers to use the disk space in the windows server 2016 since the disks of different sizes and types can be freely mixed into a large storage space. Additionally, the storage pool offers redundancy such that if one of the servers fails it does not lead to data loss.

Creating a storage pool on Windows Server 2016 only requires one to open the server manager and click “files and storage devices” and then storage pool and right-click to generate a new storage pool (Svidergol, Meloski, Wright, Martinez and Bassett, 2018). After the storage pool has been created the three servers will be selected and a virtual disk will be created as the local disk. The virtual disk will be created by right-clicking on the poor and then select a new virtual disk. After creating the virtual disk, the storage layout will be selected, provisioning type specified and the drive letter specified.

Discussion Question 2

Hyper-V is a Microsoft technology that is utilized in creating a virtual computer environment, managing and running multiple operating systems through one physical server. In an effort to set up a class to train a number of junior administrators on the Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V role will be an effective deployment option since it can be added onto an existing window server in the operating system. Hyper-V role will be installed by clicking the add roles and features wizard on the window server 2016 system. Hyper-V role will create and run virtual machines that will function similarly to a real physical switch (Syrewicze and Siddaway, 2018). Hyper-V role is effective since it is free for everyone since it does not rely on the standard Microsoft licensing terms.

Hyper-V role will offer all the tools required to add and utilize the virtual machines. Therefore, I will only require additional tings to properly develop multiple Hyper-V hosts. Creating groups of virtual machines with different allocations of the virtualization hosts will allow shared CPU resources across the entire group. Therefore, this will allow the host administrator in the implementation of classes of services in different virtual machines.

Hyper-V management tool is installed automatically once the Hyper-V role is set up. The management tool will be used to manage the Hyper-V host and the virtual machines that are operating on the hosts. Additionally, a hyper virtual switch will also allow communications between the virtual adapters connected to the management operating system and virtual machines. Building a virtual network through the Hyper-V role will require a Hyper-V virtual network adapter which will enable communication between the virtual machines through the use of a virtual switch.

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Discussion Question 1 Assignment Task . (2021, December 17). Essay Writing . Retrieved September 07, 2024, from https://www.essay-writing.com/samples/discussion-question-1-assignment-task/
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