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Digitization of Cisco’s Operations and Strategic Management Practices

  1. ” The Success of Cisco Systems, Inc.’s Human Resource Management Strategy.” Scientific Research Publishing, 23 May, 2017, m.scirp.org/papers/76334.

What: The article explores different strategies that CISCO has adopted from selling routers in 1984 to a giant computer and networking industry throughout the world.

Why: It is relevant to my final research as it provides resourceful insights regarding the co-existing relationship between HR functions and Cisco’s digitization.


  1. “The Future of HR.” Cisco, (2020). cisco.com/c/en_au/solutions/collaboration/thefutureofhr.html

What: The article titled the Future of HR by CISCo explores different tools and viable strategies that will benefit HR in this digital era.

Why: It is relevant in that it fills an important gap by showing HR transition between the current situation and the future.


  1. “Collaboration for Human Resources.” Cisco, (2018). cisco.com/c/en/us/solutions/collaboration/human-resources.html

What: The article provides tech-solutions for employers who are willing to attract and retain competent staff.

Why: The article is important in my final paper as it brings out the actual significance of IT in human resource functions.

  1. Been, T. H. N., & Smarter, B. (2016) Cisco Digital Building Solution. https://www.smartbuildingitalia.it/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Cisco_Digital_Building_Solution-WP.pdf

What: The internet has provided smart solutions that can be integrated into various firms, according to Been and Smarter, applicable in making strategic decisions and driving the            firm into new horizons.

Why: It is important because it shows how the company has maintained its internal and external environment at bay.


  1. Buzz, K Amazon Strategic Management Analysis Report (2020).

What: Buzz indicates that Cisco and other tech companies as Google, Facebook, and Amazon have benefited from the online boom and thereby taken it to full advantage in applying the various technologies to increase sales and profitability.

Why: The article serves as an important indicator of the firm’s strict adherence to modern methods of business operations increased its revenues to 13.2 billion dollars in 2012.


  1. Dang, D., Vartiainen, T., & Pekkola, S. (2019). Patterns of Enterprise Architecture Adoption in the Public Sector: A Resource-Based Perspective. In the 27th European Conference on Information Systems.

What: The authors of the article reiterate that there has been rapid digitalization of HR practices in many companies assisted by CISCO’s software, thereby disrupting operations.

Why: It is vital because it discusses how digital disruptions have altered how various companies as Cisco and Amazon operate and how supply chains operate.


  1. Digital Transformation – Cisco. (2020). Retrieved from https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/solutions/digital-transformation/index.html#~stickynav=1

What: The article discusses how various business can reimage their businesses through new models of strategic management through competent technologies.

Why: The article is important in my final paper as it has illustrated how many businesses are benefiting and gaining competitive advantage to operate globally.


  1. Digital Transformation by Cisco. (2020). Retrieved from https://discover.cisco.com/en/us/digital-business/whitepaper/transformation

What: CISCO is disrupting businesses by reimaging interactions between various positions in different firms.

Why: The article provides an overview on how Cisco can create tailor-made customer experiences, empower, and innovate the existing workforce.


  1. Digital transformation – Cisco Blogs. (2020). Retrieved from https://blogs.cisco.com/tag/digital-transformation

What: The article provides various applications of CISCO, including support for new applications and connecting people with necessary computing resources.

Why: Provides informative insights on how the retail market has been revolutionized to a billion-dollar business despite their limitation in selling their shares in the securities exchange


  1. Gillooly, L., Crowther, P., & Medway, D. (2017). Experiential sponsorship activation at a sports mega-event: the case of Cisco at London 2012. Sport, Business, and Management: An International Journal.

What: Gillooly, Crowther, and Medway, 2017 illustrate how firms are threatened by many cyber-security risks.

Why: It is relevant as it explains the need to retain security in their operations through the application of various programs provided by CISCO.


  1. Grab, B., Olaru, M., & Gavril, R. M. (2019). The Impact of Digital Transformation on Strategic Business Management. Eco forum Journal8(1).

What: Many digital firms, including Cisco, Facebook, and Google, are shining examples of     what digitization of sales can benefit a firm, according to Grab and Olaru, 2019.

Why: It provides resourceful arguments on the fact that firms fail to understand their strategic management practices that have incorporated external and internal markets, thereby gaining a competitive advantage, as illustrated by the authors.

  1. Grevers, T. (2018). S. Patent No. 8,548,303. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Retrieved from: https://patents.google.com/patent/US8548303B2/en

What: Greevers, 2018 highlights a method formulated by CISCO digital technology of initiating a media device and generating and transmitting a program aimed at reconciling digital data necessary for firms.

Why: It explains how Cisco has transformed how people perceived digitization of sales and managers, have had to adapt to changing agent roles.


  1. Jolly, D. (2017) What Amazon can teach us about digital transformation in Manufacturing. https://www.nukon.com/blog/what-amazon-can-teach-us-about-digital-transformation-in-manufacturing

What: Jolly has illustrated various mechanisms that tech companies, like Cisco, have incorporated in transforming the manufacturing industry through the adoption of various available technologies (Jolly, 2017).

Why: The article is important as it shows how firms such as Cisco have benefited from digital transformation while much physical retail store is threatened by closure due to vigorous competition.


  1. Kane, G. C., Palmer, D., Phillips, A. N., Kiron, D., & Buckley, N. (2018). Coming of age digitally. MIT Sloan Management Review and Deloitte Insights5.

What: The authors of the article argue that driving innovations through digital technologies is essential for strategic management practices.

Why: The authors of the article argue that transformations in how a firm employs its digital  technologies through the change in strategies, multi-disciplinary approaches, and supply       chains.

  1. Kulatilaka, N., & Venkatraman, N. (2019). Strategic options in the digital era. Business Strategy Review12(4), 7-15.

What: The fall of the dotcom euphoria and fear to invest in companies focused on online selling of goods has driven many companies, including CISCO, to develop different strategies to invest heavily in Information Technology (Kulatilaka and Venkatram, 2010).

Why: Research conducted by Kulatilaka and Venkatraman indicates that digitization of a company’s operations has diversified many tech companies to operate globally and gain competitive advantage through superior technologies incorporated in operations.


  1. Mendhurwar, S., & Mishra, R. (2019). Integration of social and IoT technologies: an architectural framework for digital transformation and cybersecurity challenges. Enterprise Information Systems, 1-20. Retrieved from: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/17517575.2019.1600041

What: Mendhurwar and Mishra, 2019 conducted research that illustrates how the Internet of Things from CISCO has transformed many companies through the application of their various programs in strategic management.

Why: It is relevant as it discusses the various roles of Human resource management that have been revitalized through the incorporation of data optimization from CISCO’s company.


  1. McKinsey Special Collection Digital Strategy Selected articles from the Strategy and Corporate Finance Practice (2020). Retrieved from: https://www.mckinsey.com/~/media/McKinsey/Business%20Functions/Strategy%20and%20Corporate%20Finance/Our%20Insights/Strategy%20and%20corporate%20finance20special%20collection/Final%20PDFs/McKinsey-Special-Collections_DigitalStrategy.ashx

What: The article describes that many companies have evolved in applying various technologies in their operations, including Cisco.

Why: It is vital since it indicates that only 40% of all companies globally have adopted various technologies despite their deep penetration.


  1. Nicoletti, B. (2018). Lean Six Sigma and digitize procurement. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma. Retrieved from: https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/20401461311319356/full/html 

What: Nicoletti, 2013 describes how the lean sigma method can be used in the procurement method as a strategy aligned with digital operations within the business.

Why: Nicoletti indulges in how the method is applicable through digitization in many companies, including Cisco.


  1. Patel, K., & McCarthy, M. P. (2018). Digital transformation: the essentials of e-business leadership. McGraw-Hill Professional.

What: E-business solutions are illustrated by Patel and McCarthy, where visibility and optimization of operations through Cisco business solutions.

Why: It generate critical arguments on the fact that the rise of disruptive and innovative technologies is transforming how many people perceive various roles within an organization.


  1. Prescott, J. E. CORPORATE STRATEGY AND THE THEORY OF THE FIRM IN THE DIGITAL AGE (2020). Retrieved from: http://www.socadms.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/Corporate-Strategy-and-the-Theory-of-the-Firm-in-the-Digital-Age.pdf

What: Prescott describes that many traditional strategies emphasized mergers and      acquisitions as the most efficient way of gaining competitive advantage (Prescott, 2016).

Why: It is important as it explains how the advent of technology has revolutionized many companies, including Cisco, to expand their operations.


  1. Rogers, D. L. (2016). The digital transformation playbook: Rethink your business for the digital age. Columbia University Press. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=LsF1CwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PT7&dq=21.%09Rogers,+D.+L.+(2016).+The+digital+transformation+playbook:+Rethink+your+business+for+the+digital%09age.+Columbia+University+Press.&ots=f8QTfuCi9K&sig=SlH3droDwPyGQHJg8zt6e96hQGI

What: Rogers (2016) views digital transformation as an important aspect that all institutions should embrace in it’s strategic thinking.

Why: The book challenges organizations and business to restructure their digital mindset in order to the meet the changing environmental needs.


  1. Schrauf, S., & Berttram, P. (2018). How digitization makes the supply chain more efficient, agile, and customer-focused. Price Waterhouse Cooper. Retrieved from: https://www.strategyand.pwc.com/gx/en/reports/industry40.pdf

What: As stated in the article, the integration of technology into the supply chain system help conquer arising challenging and meet evolving need.

Why: The article is highly relevant as it informs about the important technological aspects that should be utilized in Cisco’s supply chain for it to meet its productivity needs.


  1. Uhl, A., & Gollenia, L. A. (2016). Digital enterprise transformation: A business-driven approach to leveraging innovative IT. Routledge.

What: According to Uhl and Gollenia (2016), an organization must strategically position itself in order to acquire the most effective digital enterprise transformation.

Why: the article is important as it familiarizes organizations and individuals with the relevant consideration to take when acquiring digital transformations


  1. Vendrell-Herrero, F., Bustinza, O. F., Parry, G., & Georgantzis, N. (2017). Servitization, digitization, and supply chain interdependency. Industrial Marketing Management60, 69-81. Retrieved from: http://centaur.reading.ac.uk/66009/1/IMM%20repositori.pdf

What: According to the article, there exists huge dependency between the functions of the supply chain and digitization.

Why: It is important as it shows how technology can be used to improve the service offering and product delivery at Cisco.


  1. Verhoef, P. C., Broekhuizen, T., Bart, Y., Bhattacharya, A., Dong, J. Q., Fabian, N., & Haenlein, M. (2019). Digital transformation: A multi-disciplinary reflection and research agenda. Journal of Business Research. Retrieved from: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0148296319305478

What: The article focuses on the concept on digital transformation and more specifically on the research techniques and procedural aspects to undertake during the acquisition.

Why: It provides an overview on various aspects that could be adopted by Cisco in the attempt to integrate information technology into it’s operations.

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Digitization of Cisco’s Operations and Strategic Management Practices . (2022, June 27). Essay Writing . Retrieved November 05, 2024, from https://www.essay-writing.com/samples/digitization-of-ciscos-operations-and-strategic-management-practices/
“ Digitization of Cisco’s Operations and Strategic Management Practices .” Essay Writing , 27 Jun. 2022, www.essay-writing.com/samples/digitization-of-ciscos-operations-and-strategic-management-practices/
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