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China Health and Nutrition Study (Research Design) | Health Homework Help

Classification of Designs

The utilization of classification designs in the research of new food products being marketed in Chinese markets helps in stipulating the purpose, scope, and evaluations of the product’s market entry. The diversity and competitiveness of a market like China requires extensive research to understand its dynamics. This is fundamental to successful introduce the new product and remain relevant over the course of time. The research design on marketing of a food product in China’s vast opportunities will help monitor the processes required for new market entrants, competitors, threat of the substitutes, supply chain dynamics, customer behavior, and identification of target market segmentation (Ranganathan & Aggarwal, 2018). The research design through classification helps trim down core components to evaluate on the health and nutritional context among the target market segment.

Classification designs outlines the data collection method that are fundamental to the research design. In the valuation of the new food product in a new market, the use of interviews or telephone conversations in the communication study can be effective in getting an in-depth analysis of what the target market segment expects of the new product. The adoption of research control variables is fundamental to maintain the study within the set objectives and on the relevance course (Sileyew, 2019). The research design provides control variables that are fundamental for sampling procedures and statistical data analysis.

Exploratory Studies

The application of exploratory studies in the research design is fundamental to extensively study the course of China health and nutritional contexts essential for a new product. This will help develop concepts of the study, research priorities, operational definition, and further improvement of the final research design (Reiter, 2017). Through the use of exploratory studies, the research will utilize qualitative techniques such as interviews, participants’ observation, and psychological testing to determine customer behavior. Furthermore, the use of second data is integral to understand existing literatures and theories on the introduction of the new products. Also, this provides best practices from those that have been successful to introduce new products in similar categories (Hallingberg et al., 2018). More so, provide insights on what to avoid based on past experiences.

Descriptive Studies

The utilization of descriptive studies in the research on China health and nutrition as related to the introduction of a new food product is fundamental as it focuses more primarily on the target market segment. This is intended to assess the characteristics associated with the target market segment especially buying and consumption behaviors (Aggarwal & Ranganathan, 2019). As well, consideration of health and nutritional requires in food products sold to Chinese people. The use of descriptive studies as part of the research design will help narrow down the characteristics of the target market segment based on respective regions. Such as, Guangdong, Shanghai, Beijing, Wuhan, or any other part where the food product seeks to penetrate the Chinese market.

Casual Studies

Casual studies will not be an essential part of the research design. The reliance on probability is not essential in the study of the new market entry for a food product. This is in consideration of the core components of the research that require more streamlined data on the target market segment. Thus, general analysis and theories will not be essential to the study rather more precise study is fundamental to inform critical decision making on the market entry approaches.

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China Health and Nutrition Study (Research Design) | Health Homework Help . (2021, December 17). Essay Writing . Retrieved October 04, 2024, from https://www.essay-writing.com/samples/china-health-and-nutrition-study-research-design/
“ China Health and Nutrition Study (Research Design) | Health Homework Help .” Essay Writing , 17 Dec. 2021, www.essay-writing.com/samples/china-health-and-nutrition-study-research-design/
China Health and Nutrition Study (Research Design) | Health Homework Help . [online]. Available at: <https://www.essay-writing.com/samples/china-health-and-nutrition-study-research-design/> [Accessed 04 Oct. 2024].
China Health and Nutrition Study (Research Design) | Health Homework Help [Internet]. Essay Writing . 2021 Dec 17 [cited 2024 Oct 04]. Available from: https://www.essay-writing.com/samples/china-health-and-nutrition-study-research-design/
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