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Buddhist and Hindu Art Impressions | Buy Essay Paper

The origin of the Buddha is often conflicted between the city of Gandhara and Mathura. Despite the time gap in the original timelines, the image of the Buddha remains a revered aspect of Buddhism and extends to other population groups around the world. From the above graphical representation, the image of the Buddha has become a critical element of the religion because of its ability to influence the perspectives of individuals towards devotions (Dobbins, 2020). The original role of Buddha’s image was to build a perspective of the divine being in Buddhism, at a time when other religions were emerging. Individuals required to be aligned to the religion’s course to avoid succumbing to the appealing religious groups requiring individuals to focus on certain aspects of existence. Identifying the important elements of religion presented an eccentric opportunity where believers could visualize their creator during their moments of devotion.

In ancient India, individuals were motivated to engage in religious activities through their continued exposure to images and other works of art, which influenced their motivation. In this regard, the continued use of the bronze Shiva as Lord of the Dance in the Hindu religion has attracted mixed reactions because of the inability of individuals to track its historical origin. In the 11th century, Indians began developing a mobile representation of Shiva to accompany priests when conducting their religious functions (Mahantesh, 2018). Today, Shiva is one of the critical triad of divine energy, which defines the thought process of individuals within the Hindu framework. Studying the different features of the Shiva presents an opportunity for individuals to understand the numerous approaches that people should use to accomplish desired religious outcomes in their surroundings.

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Buddhist and Hindu Art Impressions | Buy Essay Paper . (2022, April 27). Essay Writing . Retrieved October 06, 2024, from https://www.essay-writing.com/samples/buddhist-and-hindu-art-impressions/
“ Buddhist and Hindu Art Impressions | Buy Essay Paper .” Essay Writing , 27 Apr. 2022, www.essay-writing.com/samples/buddhist-and-hindu-art-impressions/
Buddhist and Hindu Art Impressions | Buy Essay Paper . [online]. Available at: <https://www.essay-writing.com/samples/buddhist-and-hindu-art-impressions/> [Accessed 06 Oct. 2024].
Buddhist and Hindu Art Impressions | Buy Essay Paper [Internet]. Essay Writing . 2022 Apr 27 [cited 2024 Oct 06]. Available from: https://www.essay-writing.com/samples/buddhist-and-hindu-art-impressions/
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