Fletcher’s Color Control System entails the use of three colors of the primary triad. These colors are combined to create the darkest neutral. The combination is achieved by mixing colors with immediately adjacent colors or those nearly adjacent to one another on a specific color wheel. The principles of the fletcher wheel can be used in contemporary art and design. An example is the development of modern graphic designs and posters. The color wheel can also be used in poster design, where it helps in the concepts of art and designs through its aspect of color combinations. It is relatively easy to incorporate the fletcher’s wheel concepts in digital designs. In modern design, various software such as Photoshop assist in the color blending and ensuring that the color theories are utilized accordingly. The tenets of the fletcher’s color control system are also applied in creating contrast, hue, and saturation, among many other aspects of design in art pieces.
An example of contemporary art and design is “Emoji world” by Esther Gogh, which tends to combine various illustrations that have different compositions of color. Charlie Padgett’s “Drowning in Denial” is another example of contemporary digital art. The art piece incorporates the use of different colors as it is guided by Fletcher’s Color Control System. In both pieces, there has been an application of these principles, through ensuring that there is a cohesion in the color combination. Each used color helps in portraying an element of the artwork differently. The principles can also be used to alter the various elements of these art pieces, to make them appear different or have a diverse meaning from the current concepts, background, and other elements.