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Racism in the workplace | Health & Medical homework help

Select and read one of the following chapters in Mason et al. (2021) Each topic must be presented therefore, pick the chapter that has not been discussed when deciding on a topic! Address the questions presented below.

Chapter 76: Taking Action: Contaminated water and elevated blood lead levels in flint
Chapter 77: Taking Action: Policy, politics, and advocating for medicinal cannabis use
Chapter 55: Taking Action: Increasing specialty medical care access in rural communities.
Chapter 58: Taking Action: Racism in the workplace
Chapter 80: Taking Action: Activism: a community rises
Please address the following questions in your initial post and include the chosen chapter as your discussion post heading:

What did you learn about the role of the nurse and advanced practice nurse as an activist?
What problems were encountered?
What might have you done differently?
How can you apply this knowledge as a future APRN?
Paper Format: APA

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