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Controversial Issues in Entertainment Paper (2 Papers) NEW

Discuss a controversial issue you have seen in the media, such as violence, unethical behavior, racial or religious discrimination, drug use, or sexual content, in a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper.
Explain the nature of the controversy, why it is used, and how it would be different with the controversial content removed. Provide examples.
Find three mass media messages on the issue from different sources, such as a news report, advertisement, or a press release. Discuss how each source presents a different side of the issue and how media affects public opinion.
Discuss how new technology affects news and advertising. How does new technology affect the public’s perception of the controversy? Does the medium in which the message is presented resolve or exacerbate the controversy?
Submit your assignment to the Assignment Files tab.
Alternative Option (with instructor approval):
Create two media pieces showcasing the pros and cons of the same controversial issue.
Present different sides of the controversial issue in each media piece to demonstrate how the media piece affects public opinion. Your media pieces may be in any of the following formats:
§  Radio or Television advertisement
§  News Report
§  Press Release
§  Newspaper or Magazine column
§  Blog
Include the following in your media pieces:
§  Discuss the nature of the controversy.
§  How does it affect or benefit our society?
§  Why should we be concerned?
§  Provide a possible solution to the problem (if applicable).
You may use the following options to create your media pieces:
§  Script (3 to 4 pages)
§  Slide presentation (10 to 12 slides)
§  Audio or video podcast (1 to 2 minutes)
§  Or another format approved by your instructor
Cite readings and at least three peer-reviewed sources.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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