Critically thinking about the material presented in the courses you are taking can be challenging, especially when the students believes that they already have a robust understanding of the domain. For example, you may, at this point in your academic career, have already studied behaviorism, so you may believe you already have a deep understanding of what this theory is. However, consider the theory based on learning. The foundations of behaviorism suggest that we learn, not based on thought, but on physiological needs. This foundation was based on radical behaviorism, a sub-theory. Critically consider the evolution of behaviorism, and apply this to the following prompts. Use the following Journal 1 template downloadto explain each question.
To successfully complete this journal:
Once you have finished writing, consider running the tool Turnitin (found in your Course Resources tab) to assure you have successfully used your own voice, rather than another author’s.
Your journal this week should be 700 to 900 words and have an introduction and a conclusion as described in the Writing Center’s resource Introductions & Conclusions (Links to an external site.). You should exhibit obvious attention to critical thought and understanding of the content, as demonstrated in TED-Ed Animation 5 Tips to Improve Your Critical Thinking (Links to an external site.).