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Positive and proactive intervention strategies | Psychology homework help

It is important to use positive intervention strategies with challenging behavior for children. These interventions should be positive and proactive and not all should be reactive and consequence-based. Children at a young age both with exceptionalities and without need to be taught routine and recognition of their behaviors.

In a 500-750 word research-based essay, discuss the importance of positive intervention strategies particular to children in a Birth to Pre-K setting. As an educator, what can you do to promote self-efficacy related to behavior management in young children? Your essay should discuss:

1- Three to five positive and proactive intervention strategies.

2- How chosen intervention strategies positively support and guide children in the accessibility of the general curriculum and daily routines.

3- How to provide support to families in the decisions and priorities made regarding the development of goals and intervention strategies in place for young children.Support your finding with 3-5 scholarly resources.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, An abstract is/is not required.

Paper Format: APA

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