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Physical design | Database management systems homework help

1. Physical design refers to:

i. developing a database model that will support company operations.

ii. purchasing your hardware components.

iii. selecting the specific hardware characteristics based on data storage and data access requirements.

iv. the process of converting your ERD into tables and defining your rows and columns based your entities and attributes.

2. Database design refers to:

i. developing a database model that will support company operations.

ii. focusing on understanding the business and its functional areas or business processes.

iii. selecting the specific hardware characteristics based on data storage and data access requirements.

iv. the process of converting your ERD into tables, and defining your rows and columns based your entities and attributes.

3. A one-to-many relationship is :

i. a relationship that guarantees that a record is unique.

ii. an association between a record and its fields. used to describe attributes.

iii. when a row in one table is matched to multiple rows in a second table and a row in the second table is matched back to a row in the first table.


Consider the following relation:

  1. a) Given the previous extension (state), which of the following dependencies may hold in the above relation? If the dependency cannot hold, explain why by specifying the tuples that cause the violation.
10 b1 c1 1
10 b2 c2 2
11 b4 c1 3
12 b3 c4 4
13 b1 c1 5
14 b3 c4 6
  1. A ? B, ii. B ? C, iii. C ? B, iv. B ? A, v. C ? A
  2. b) Does the above relation have a potential candidate primary key (not a superkey)? If it does, what is it? If it does not, why not?
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