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Module 4 Discussion: Epistemology

Module 4’s discussion questions will focus on the content of our textbook’s Chapter 3 Section 3.0-3.5.

Early and continuing participation in these ongoing online “class discussions” is expected throughout the entire duration of each Module. I strongly recommend reading and contributing to these discussions on at least three days a week, every week.

This discussion forum will close at the end of Module 4, after which time no additional discussion posts may be submitted.

Discussion Question A

Rationalism and Empiricism: In your mind, did Descartes manage to overcome the difficulties presented to him by Skepticism? Why or why not? In what way, if any, does your analysis of Descartes make use of empiricist perspectives? Please consider arguments and examples from the text to help support your points.

Discussion Question B

Constructivism and Epistemological Relativism: Why, for Kant, are neither the empiricists nor the rationalists able to explain how we are able to have knowledge? In what way, if any, does epistemological relativism build on constructivism? Ultimately, does either constructivism or epistemological relativism provide an adequate theory of knowledge? Please consider arguments and examples from the text to help support your points.

  1. First, respond to EACH of the two Module 4 Discussion Questions presented above (both questions A & B).
  2. Then, provide additional subsequent follow up responses to posts submitted by others (your fellow students, and/or myself) in BOTH of the subsequent discussion threads that will begin to develop and unfold as this Module proceeds.

Use the book for this discussion board for referencing and to help with the questions. The section for this discussion board is gonna be found with the link below under section  Module 4’s on the content of our textbook’s Chapter 3 Section 3.0-3.5. 

respond to 2 peers after initial discussion board is done. (150 words each response to peers)

Heres the link: https://online.vitalsource.com/reader/books/9781260132519

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