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Pathophysiology & Clinical Findings of the Disease | Nursing homework help

Pathophysiology & Clinical Findings of the Disease

  1. Based on the review of the history, physical and lab findings what is the most likely diabetes diagnosis for this patient?





  1. Explain the pathophysiology associated with the chosen diabetes diagnosis.






  1. Identify at least three subjective findings from the case which support the chosen diagnosis.








  1. Identify at least three objective findings from the case which support the chosen diagnosis




Management of the Disease

*Utilize the required Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) to support your treatment recommendations.

  1. Utilizes the required Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) to support the chosen treatment recommendations.








  1. Identify two (2) “Evidence A” recommended medication classes for the treatment of this condition and provide an example (drug name) for each.








  1. Describe the mechanism of action for each of the medication classes identified above.








  1. Identify two (2) “Evidence A” recommended non-pharmacological treatment options for this patient.












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