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Pape.r assignment #2: deontology | Philosophy homework help

After reading Kant’s Groundworks, as well as the other material provided in this unit on environmental justice, write a 3-4 page es.say in which you do all of the following:

Utilize the readings by Kant and the IEP entry, as well as the videos on environmental justice to apply an environmental justice approach to the following case:

Case study #1 in Regional Ethics Bowl Cases 2022

Assume that the reader is unfamiliar with this particular way of thinking through a moral case, so it will be best to explain what it is to be a deontologist or an environmental justice advocate. 

Make sure to define any key terms and concepts. Assume that the reader is unfamiliar with Kant and environmental justice. Be sure to engage directly with the Kant and environmental justice readings by paraphrasing and providing in-text citations.


Purpose of Assignment

demonstrate a clear, in-depth understanding of the content through accurate and concise writing; and

engage with the text through appropriate quoting and citation (any major citation format is acceptable, e.g. APA, MLA).

Given the purposes of this assignment, it is important that you provide clear definitions of key terms, explain concepts and theories in detail and with examples when helpful, and demonstrate your understanding by providing these explanations in your own words whenever possible (instead of quoting). My recommendation is to demonstrate your understanding of the reading through selective quoting (in other words, keep quoting to a minimum) and when quoting, be sure to explain what the quote means and how it connects to the rest of the discussion.

For additional information on expectations for this assignment, refer to the grading rubric.


Submission Guidelines

1 inch margins, double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font (Be sure to check these formatting guidelines as these may not be the default setting on your word processor).

Pap.er must be at least three full pages and must not be longer than four full pages. Any pa.pers that do not meet the minimum page requirement will be penalized, and anything written beyond the third page will not be read.

Upload your pap.er in Word or PDF format (doc, docx, pdf). Other formats (e.g. Pages) will not be accepted.

Your pap.er will be run through the plagiarism detection program. I take academic integrity very seriously as a matter of fairness to all PCC students, and though in many cases, students unknowingly violate the academic integrity policy, you will still be held responsible for making sure your work complies with those policies. If you have any questions, I am more than happy to help.

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