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Operating Systems | Computer Science homework help

  1. Problem: From a given reference string below,


show a snapshot of physical memory frames after each memory page is accessed under the OPT and LRU page replacement policies then calculate hit rate and miss rate under each policy, assuming that we have only 4 physical memory frames and that all of them are empty at the beginning.

  1. In your opinion, is file deallocation important? Explain your answer and describe how long you believe your own system would perform adequately if this service were no longer available. Discuss the consequences and any alternatives that users might have.
  2. Problem: From a given reference string below, show a snapshot of physical memory frames after each memory page is accessed under FIFO, OPT, and LRU page replacement policies then calculate hit rate and miss rate under each policy, assuming that we have only 4 physical memory frames and that all of them are empty at the beginning.


  1. If a program has 471 bytes and will be loaded into page frames of 100 bytes each, and the instruction to be used is at byte 132, answer the following questions:
  2. How many pages are needed to store the entire job?
  3. Compute the page number and the exact displacement for each of the byte addresses where the data is stored. (Remember that page numbering starts at zero).


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