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Operating systems | Computer Science homework help

  1. A simple operating system supports only a single directory but allows it to have arbitrarily many files with arbitrarily long file names. Can something approximating a hierarchical file system be simulated? How?
  2. If a process is suspended (put into a wait state by an interrupt), will its threads also be suspended? Explain why the threads will or will not be suspended. Give an example to substantiate your answer.
  3. Some operating systems provide a system call rename to give a file a new name. Is there any difference at all between using this call to rename a file and just copying the file to a new file with the new name followed by deleting the old one?
  4. Your computer science instructor has assigned a semester=long project to develop a zero-day exploit for the Windows 8 operating system. Do you think this is an appropriate class project? Why or why not?
  5. Part 1. Consider a virtual memory system with 24-bit virtual address space. If the page size of 8 KB is used when we split into a logical address, how many bits will be used for the page number, and how many bits will be used for the offset? Using the 24-bit virtual address space, if we use a page size of 4 KB when we split into a logical address, how many bits will be used for the page number, and how many for the offset?

Part 2. What do you think is an advantage and a disadvantage of a smaller page size in a virtual memory system? What do you think is an advantage and a disadvantage of a larger page size in a virtual memory system?

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