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Operating System | Computer Science homework help

  1. A process P1 at site A sends a request message to process P2 on site B. Sites A and B are connected via internet. Typically, P2’s reply comes within 1 minute. In this case, however, it has not received a reply after 5 minutes.

What can be concluded from this?

List all possible causes for this phenomenon.

  1. If FIFO page replacement is used with three page frames available to the process, how many page faults will occur with the reference string 123412341234 if the three frames are initially empty?

Repeat for LRU.

Repeat again for MRU.

  1. A direct-mapped cache holds 8 blocks. If the following block numbers are accessed, how many hits are there in the sequence?

The block numbers are in decimal and do not include the byte/block offset. 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 7, 3

  1. 7
  2. 2
  3. 0
  4. 1
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