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New Media | Marketing homework help

  1. Select the correct option to complete the sentence. Globally, people spend __ billion hours online per month. A) 35 B) 25 C) 15 D) 5
  2. The simplest and least expensive way to conduct international business is through: \\ A) foreign licensees. B) a Website. C) joint ventures. D) trade intermediaries.
  3. One of the Internet’s greatest strengths is its [{Blank}] nature. A) efficiency B) collectivistic C) interactive D) atavistic
  4. It is not necessary for entrepreneurs with both physical and virtual stores to promote their Web sites at every opportunity. Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
  5. A specific design tip is to include a menu bar at the bottom of each page. Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
  6. Recommended techniques for having a killer Web site are [{Blank}]: A) avoiding clutter. B) continuous sound play. C) not to change the Web site. D) All of the above
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