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Nature of Performance Management | Human Resource Management homework help

Creating a script


Chapter 1: The Meaning and Nature of Performance Management, and Chapter 2: The Conceptual Framework of Performance Management. Watch the video Definition of Performance ManagementLinks to an external site..

There are several performance management definitions discussed in Chapter 1 of the Armstrong (2022) textbook. Review these definitions. You have been asked to create a talk that explains the relevance of performance management.

In an initial post, prepare a five-minute video citing at least two required resources. Include a full transcript of your video that includes your reference list. Your video should

  • Identify an ideal performance management definition.
  • Debate the value of implementing an effective performance management system within an organization.
  • Describe the impact an effective performance management system can have on the ability of managers meeting the goals of the organization.

Recording or uploading a video

Complete the following:

  • Write a script. Name and save your script as a Word document. (The script will be used for reference while you record your video and may be used as a transcript for accessibility purposes.)
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