Throughout the course you have been developing your personal leadership plan. Using the personal leadership plan template , submit your final personal leadership plan. Please keep in mind the required page count for each section.
Your plan will be organized by the following sections:
Then, develop a PowerPoint presentation to present your personal leadership plan. Your presentation should be constructed as if you were going to present your plan to a new employer. For each section of your plan, provide a brief summary of reflection. The reflection should describe what you learned about yourself and how you plan to use the information going forward. Also reflect on how the personal leadership helped you better understand a specific topic or content in the course.
Your presentation should be 12-18 slides. Use the Notes area on each slide as needed to expand on the key points. Your presentation should be organized into the following slides:
Managing Conflict
Reflection Summary
Save both your paper and PowerPoint presentation to a folder on your computer. Then, zip or compress your folder. Upload the zipped folder (with both the paper and PowerPoint) to the assignment drop box.