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Modifying a lesson plan | Instructional and Transitional Planning for Students with Mild to Moderate

Review “Marcus Partial IEP and Lesson” to inform the assignment. Upon reviewing the Present Level of Performance and the second grade literacy-based standards, think about how you can adapt the lesson to meet Marcus’ specific needs and align to his identified academic goals. Revise the “Sample Co-Teaching Lesson Plan (Direct Instruction)” to reflect modifications and accommodations for Marcus. Use bold print or highlighting to indicate changes you have made to the lesson.

Write a 250-500 word rationale the addresses the following.

  • Explain your instructional choices including how your lesson extends the skills taught in the “Sample Co-Teaching Lesson Plan” for Marcus and why the lesson is appropriate for meeting Marcus’ academic goal.
  • Discuss how elements of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) will be incorporated to enhance Marcus’ learning.
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