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Memory addresses | Computer Science homework help

  1. A student has claimed that in the abstract, the basic page replacement algorithms (FIFO, LRU, and optimal) are identical except for the attribute used for selecting the page to be replaced.
    • What is that attribute for the FIFO algorithm? The LRU algorithm? The pptimal algorithm?
    • Give the generic algorithm for these page replacement algorithms.
  2. Suppose a computer using direct-mapped cache has 232 (that’s 2POWER32)
  3. bytes of byte-addressable main memory, and a cache size of 512 bytes, and each cache block contains 64 bytes.

How many blocks of main memory are there?

What is the format of a memory address as seen by cache, i.e. what are the sizes of the tag, block, and offset fields?

To which cache block will the memory address 0x13A4498A map?

  1. Which of these instructions could cause a Data Hazard?
    • lw $t0, offset($s3)
    • add $s3, $zero, $s4
    • sub $t4, $s1, $s2
    • beq $t0, $t1, offset
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